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I plan to write more about photography besides my neverending personal problems and I also wish to provide an informative website regarding Northern Thailand. And I do find that the current blogger platform is a bit limited in this area. So after some careful thoughts. I decided to invest in a host and a real domain name for my new site. All the old posts are ported over so you could read them there too. A bit sad are the comments which could not be ported though..
So you can update the new url for my new site at . Its still the same name and slogon. But there will be more stuff later.... See ya at the new site!
Its great to be back...
As the title suggests. I am back in Thailand and enjoying each and every minute of it. Weather is great. Cool and dry. Its getting colder in the morning and evening but the dry fresh air of the rural areas are just fantastic.
Ah boy is 3 months plus and pretty interactive to whoever he is staring at. Can mumble a few sounds and chuckle but still a bit lazy..... Loves to sleep. His sister is a bit rebellous and naughty though. Testing our patience and limits almost everyday.. Think all kids during this period is the same.. My mum say last time I even worst.. (got meh??)
A few more days it will be Loy Krathong. We plan to make the lanterns ourselves this year. Since girl girl is a bit older. I also passed my Diana Mini for girl girl to shoot (loaded with a roll of film) The results were quite surprsingly not too bad... consider she is not even 4 years old and snapping away like hell... I even need to advance the film for her each time.
Anyway. Will post more later once I have more time.
The complete opposite... (well so far)
I kind of expected that the characteristic of my ah boy is a complete opposite of girl girl.
Just by observing him for the pass few months and you will know how different he is to his elder sister.
First of all Ah Boy is really mellow. Very very mellow and quiet little fella that rarely cries. But he does have a thundering voice (big size mah) whenever he cries and most of the time its because he's hungry or want to be carried to sleep...
His sister on the other hand is noisy and will cry at her top of her voice for just little movements, unpleasant sounds or just for no apparent reasons. Got one time we got so worried as she did not stop for more than an hour, we decided to see the doctor who assured us its the norm.
Boy is also more "friendly" More like bo chap actually. Anyone can carry him and he will not complain. Which means is a good news to my wife as Girl girl could only be carried by her and my mum during the first 3 months. (Girl girl is very very picky on who is carrying her) I could carry ah boy for the whole day while girl girl can only last at most 5mins before complaining. So at least wify can clear up some personal chores before "entertaining" ah boy.
Ah boy is also a bit more "lazy". He just lies there and look around and kick less often then his sister. And he loves to sleep! (inherited from me liao) And he sleeps soundly for hours. His sister on the other hand is hyper ... sleep at most 1 hour and will be awake, looking for mummy or entertainment.
In short, wife's feedback is the same as mine. Ah boy is much much more easier to care for then his sister during the same period of time. But I guess its just for the moment as wife already started to notice he is getting a bit more active. Wants to see things now and will complain if people put him down on bed while he's awake.
Wife also told me he likes to smile to his sister too whenever she is around. And girl girl actually rock her little brother (in a rocking bed of couse) to sleep during his afternoon nap. How I wished I was there to see this scene...
Anyway, coming 27 I will be back in Thailand again for almost 3 weeks. Its Loi Krathong again!!!
The complete opposite... (well so far)
Just by observing him for the pass few months and you will know how different he is to his elder sister.
First of all Ah Boy is really mellow. Very very mellow and quiet little fella that rarely cries. But he does have a thundering voice (big size mah) whenever he cries and most of the time its because he's hungry or want to be carried to sleep...
His sister on the other hand is noisy and will cry at her top of her voice for just little movements, unpleasant sounds or just for no apparent reasons. Got one time we got so worried as she did not stop for more than an hour, we decided to see the doctor who assured us its the norm.
Boy is also more "friendly" More like bo chap actually. Anyone can carry him and he will not complain. Which means is a good news to my wife as Girl girl could only be carried by her and my mum during the first 3 months. (Girl girl is very very picky on who is carrying her) I could carry ah boy for the whole day while girl girl can only last at most 5mins before complaining. So at least wify can clear up some personal chores before "entertaining" ah boy.
Ah boy is also a bit more "lazy". He just lies there and look around and kick less often then his sister. And he loves to sleep! (inherited from me liao) And he sleeps soundly for hours. His sister on the other hand is hyper ... sleep at most 1 hour and will be awake, looking for mummy or entertainment.
In short, wife's feedback is the same as mine. Ah boy is much much more easier to care for then his sister during the same period of time. But I guess its just for the moment as wife already started to notice he is getting a bit more active. Wants to see things now and will complain if people put him down on bed while he's awake.
Wife also told me he likes to smile to his sister too whenever she is around. And girl girl actually rock her little brother (in a rocking bed of couse) to sleep during his afternoon nap. How I wished I was there to see this scene...
Anyway, coming 27 I will be back in Thailand again for almost 3 weeks. Its Loi Krathong again!!!
A day to remember - 15-Oct-2009 for SLCC
I can't exactly remember the first time I join my first photography class in SLCC (Stanley Lim Colour Centre). I think its between 2003 or 2004. I saw an ad in Clubsnap on makeover photography course and was interested in learning how the process goes. Some might say its weird that I took up this course as I actually disliked fashion photography. But during that time, I am under the influence that by gaining more photography skills, I could use it as a way to make some extra income through photography, and makeover seems like a good choice to start.
My instructor was Danny. (Who later left SLCC due to differences which I will not elaborate too much) And the course was interesting and refreshing. So I signed up the Wedding and Event course. Which was conducted by Stanley himself.
I could safely credit that my flash light photography (I rarely use flash that time as I shoot landscape) skill actually improved by leaps and bounds under Stanley's tutelage. His humor and down to earth instructions and no holding back of information is an eye opener for me. Have a question and ask him and he will answer your queries as much as possible.
Over the course of time I was there. I started to make new friends.
The first, of course was our lady boss, Joanne. First impression, feisty and LOUD but hold no nonsense. But after a while, a wonderful person to work with and not forgetting to mention that she is practical and efficient in every details in every project we have worked together. (Although sometimes Garang Gabra due to not enough sleep)
Yong Xiao, Our punching bag and "toy". (Also the one who broke my spectacle and my Norton 1.5mm) From a small boy till now, a teenager. Whom I felt like a little brother that I never had. (Although he call me Uncle......)
Yan Ru, although I don't get to talk to her often but I see she cares for her mother and brother. Her make-up skill is improving a lot!!! And I see potential in her.
My Shi Shiong Shi Di men which I learnt a lot from.
Like Wei Liang. Honest and the most hardworking person I ever met. Always learning from his mistakes and never try to make them again.
Kelvin, Fantastic food shots and still life techniques and of course, learnt some great PS from him.
Yeow Ting, the best gear head among us, giving us tips and info in MF, lenses and other accessories that we had no idea its for. I still remember the day he showed me his minolta 28-135mm...
Max 2.8 Although I don't see him often but he's da one (and I believe one of the pioneer) in digital IR photography in Singapore. He's also the one who showed me his Bessa and I got hooked into RF..
UKay. Now a very successful commercial photographer where we used to go shoot together and he showing me the great Minolta 100mm Macro. Makes me convert back to Minolta for good.
Andrew. The one who found me a job in DC and now my constant companion in shooting slides and negatives. (And LOMO!!)
Cheng Lai. My team lead during the Malacca trip. Small guy who talk loud and eat a lot. Those classic face that you see him you feel like laughing liao..
Jing Jian and his gang, Joel and Ray. Its a small world that I get to meet Jing Jian again (used to be in NAAPL). Joel the cool and handsome guy and his cousin Ray, who seems quiet but is as chatty and not to mention his wedding photos are just brilliant.
Ser Ling. My only student who uses the Pentax system!! haha but his photos speaks for themselves.
Mok. Who has one of the most fantastic collection of travel and landscape photos that I could dream of going. And also the guy who brought me to CIAS to conduct lessons for those interested in photography.
There are many others that I wish I have the time and space to include. But as I'm writing this while sitting in the office (oops!). Apologies to those who I have missed but I do remember you (although I might have forgotten your names) :)
So I have mixed feelings for today actually. On one hand, I am happy for Stanley and Joanne as the business is already failing and its not sustaining itself. On the other hand, sad to see it go and so quickly too.
Still, I guess we can still meet up one day and get to chat about photography.
Just that another part of my life seems to have gone and I get a bit sentimental about it.
PS: The photo of the new signboard is taken by me btw.. Think its Kelvin, not me... :P
A day to remember - 15-Oct-2009 for SLCC

My instructor was Danny. (Who later left SLCC due to differences which I will not elaborate too much) And the course was interesting and refreshing. So I signed up the Wedding and Event course. Which was conducted by Stanley himself.
I could safely credit that my flash light photography (I rarely use flash that time as I shoot landscape) skill actually improved by leaps and bounds under Stanley's tutelage. His humor and down to earth instructions and no holding back of information is an eye opener for me. Have a question and ask him and he will answer your queries as much as possible.
Over the course of time I was there. I started to make new friends.
The first, of course was our lady boss, Joanne. First impression, feisty and LOUD but hold no nonsense. But after a while, a wonderful person to work with and not forgetting to mention that she is practical and efficient in every details in every project we have worked together. (Although sometimes Garang Gabra due to not enough sleep)
Yong Xiao, Our punching bag and "toy". (Also the one who broke my spectacle and my Norton 1.5mm) From a small boy till now, a teenager. Whom I felt like a little brother that I never had. (Although he call me Uncle......)
Yan Ru, although I don't get to talk to her often but I see she cares for her mother and brother. Her make-up skill is improving a lot!!! And I see potential in her.
My Shi Shiong Shi Di men which I learnt a lot from.
Like Wei Liang. Honest and the most hardworking person I ever met. Always learning from his mistakes and never try to make them again.
Kelvin, Fantastic food shots and still life techniques and of course, learnt some great PS from him.
Yeow Ting, the best gear head among us, giving us tips and info in MF, lenses and other accessories that we had no idea its for. I still remember the day he showed me his minolta 28-135mm...
Max 2.8 Although I don't see him often but he's da one (and I believe one of the pioneer) in digital IR photography in Singapore. He's also the one who showed me his Bessa and I got hooked into RF..
UKay. Now a very successful commercial photographer where we used to go shoot together and he showing me the great Minolta 100mm Macro. Makes me convert back to Minolta for good.
Andrew. The one who found me a job in DC and now my constant companion in shooting slides and negatives. (And LOMO!!)
Cheng Lai. My team lead during the Malacca trip. Small guy who talk loud and eat a lot. Those classic face that you see him you feel like laughing liao..
Jing Jian and his gang, Joel and Ray. Its a small world that I get to meet Jing Jian again (used to be in NAAPL). Joel the cool and handsome guy and his cousin Ray, who seems quiet but is as chatty and not to mention his wedding photos are just brilliant.
Ser Ling. My only student who uses the Pentax system!! haha but his photos speaks for themselves.
Mok. Who has one of the most fantastic collection of travel and landscape photos that I could dream of going. And also the guy who brought me to CIAS to conduct lessons for those interested in photography.
There are many others that I wish I have the time and space to include. But as I'm writing this while sitting in the office (oops!). Apologies to those who I have missed but I do remember you (although I might have forgotten your names) :)
So I have mixed feelings for today actually. On one hand, I am happy for Stanley and Joanne as the business is already failing and its not sustaining itself. On the other hand, sad to see it go and so quickly too.
Still, I guess we can still meet up one day and get to chat about photography.
Just that another part of my life seems to have gone and I get a bit sentimental about it.
Going Medium Format
After shooting a bunch of 35mm slides. I got bored with the small transparencies I held in my hand. So I actually planned to shoot something bigger (I very greedy one). Its not the first time I shot with a Medium Format camera. I used to have a cheap Kiev 88 and it produces quite good results. I sold it when I went to Thailand and have not much time for photography. But the idea of shooting 120mm slides is always in my head and I have not really given up on this idea.
(Un)Luckily my friend YT (my Shi Xiong in SLCC) has a Bronica SQA sitting in the studio so I took it out for a spin.
Big Mistake of my life. Shot a few rolls and I got hooked. (Especially the slides....)
Went into ebay and look see look see. Bid on a Hasselblad 500C/M kit at a ridiculous price and actually won it!! Just shot a roll with it and the magazine seems to have light leak when I remove or put in the dark slide(common problem with a Hassy back). Not a big issue as I have already ordered spare parts for the new seal (some foam and plastic).
Maybe its faith.... I'm back into Medium Format Photography when the rest of the world is converting to digital... hahaha
Going Medium Format

(Un)Luckily my friend YT (my Shi Xiong in SLCC) has a Bronica SQA sitting in the studio so I took it out for a spin.
Big Mistake of my life. Shot a few rolls and I got hooked. (Especially the slides....)
Went into ebay and look see look see. Bid on a Hasselblad 500C/M kit at a ridiculous price and actually won it!! Just shot a roll with it and the magazine seems to have light leak when I remove or put in the dark slide(common problem with a Hassy back). Not a big issue as I have already ordered spare parts for the new seal (some foam and plastic).
Maybe its faith.... I'm back into Medium Format Photography when the rest of the world is converting to digital... hahaha
A quick one.
I'm working so just a quick post while having a break. Yesterday wife got her Birth Cert for real this time and she has submitted it to her local district office.
Both PaLat has signed the documents and now we are in the queue! According to them, it will take another 1 to 3 months and if there no issues. She should get her citizenship in late December or Jan 2010.
Think we are finally solving one of our biggest problems :) Wish me luck!
A quick one.
Both PaLat has signed the documents and now we are in the queue! According to them, it will take another 1 to 3 months and if there no issues. She should get her citizenship in late December or Jan 2010.
Think we are finally solving one of our biggest problems :) Wish me luck!
The whole Lomo Fad....
There is not much updates of Thailand as I'm stuck here in Singapore. So decided to write something about photography.
For those who are not sure about Lomography. You can read more about it here.
I could say recently there is a lot of fad in these analog toy cameras and its cool to know people picking up on shooting film again. I am not going to discuss the pros and cons of shooting digital or analog. I think my idol Oleg Novikov does a better job in explaining and summarising how I think about it too.
Recently I shot an event with my Diana F+ and instanx mini back. Its was a real fun experience to have the photo printed on the spot (polaroid style) and thrown onto a white table. I've scanned the photos and some friends saw it on FB (first nine shots of the album) and kind of wonder why my skill is so lousy this time (a lot of the pics were either low in contrast, OOF, underexposed, overexposed, colour cast and all the bad stuff you want to avoid in genereal photography).
Its hard to explain but I kind of deliberately want to have all these flaws as nowadays, all the photos I see are so poster perfect that it kinds of bores me. The main reason I dived into lomo is that I find it as an interesting new photography medium for shooting personal stuff. Commercially, I'm not going to shoot like that (maybe I will if the client insists) but it does makes me feel more attached to the photographs I made because of the process of taking them.
Firstly the camera looks like a toy and it is a toy camera! Which makes it a topic to talk about. Which makes them more relax and willing to get shot. And with all the gadgets it could attached (fisheye, ring flash and color gels), the people involved started to interact with the camera tool. Some actually requested to be shot with a certain colour gel!
Second is the instant result on paper. Physically holding a photo that was just taken a minute ago. Its a bit different then the digital screen as they could passed it along and comment about it and try new stuff.
So I had great fun that day. And the people who got their photos taken were excited too. Even though some photos did not turned out as expected but the whole process was so much fun and enjoyable.
So how do I feel about Lomo (short of Lomography) Fad?? I think generally its an interesting medium but the constant marketing of new "clones" of the same camera bores me. It becomes another "I have this, you do not have this model". I rather they come up with some new cameras that have different features or sets that could make I could experiment more. The horizon Kompact looks interesting....
And too me, the Lomography motto of "don't think, just shoot" applies only by situation. And I see some people who post their photos on the lomo site (most of them actually) are just whacking and shooting for the sake of hoping to get a good shot. Wasting film and money! Even the photos in the book that comes with the camera seems a bit trying.
In short, its like painting Picassa without understanding the correct technique of painting., which will do no good to one's photography skill (be it artistically or technically).
So I will still shoot with these toy cameras but the results I get will be mostly for my personal viewing. For those who wants to try a new and refreshing shooting experience. You should try it too!
PS: All photos taken with Diana F+ or Diana Mini with Lucky 100 BW film
The whole Lomo Fad....

For those who are not sure about Lomography. You can read more about it here.
I could say recently there is a lot of fad in these analog toy cameras and its cool to know people picking up on shooting film again. I am not going to discuss the pros and cons of shooting digital or analog. I think my idol Oleg Novikov does a better job in explaining and summarising how I think about it too.

Its hard to explain but I kind of deliberately want to have all these flaws as nowadays, all the ph

Firstly the camera looks like a toy and it is a toy camera! Which makes it a topic to talk about. Which makes them more relax and willing to get shot. And with all the gadgets it could attached (fisheye, ring flash

Second is the instant result on paper. Physically holding a photo that was just taken a minute ago. Its a bit different then the digital screen as they could passed it along and comment about it and try new stuff.
So I had great fun that day. And the people who got their photos taken were excited too. Even though some photos did not turned out as expected but the whole process was so much fun and enjoyable.
So how do I feel about Lomo (short of Lomography) Fad?? I think generally its an interesting medium but the constant marketing of new "clones" of the same camera bores me. It becomes another "I have this, you do not have this model". I rather they come up with some new cameras that have different features or sets that could make I could experiment more. The horizon Kompact looks interesting....
And too me, the Lomography motto of "don't think, just shoot" applies only by situation. And I see

In short, its like painting Picassa without understanding the correct technique of painting., which will do no good to one's photography skill (be it artistically or technically).
So I will still shoot with these toy cameras but the results I get will be mostly for my personal viewing. For those who wants to try a new and refreshing shooting experience. You should try it too!
PS: All photos taken with Diana F+ or Diana Mini with Lucky 100 BW film
Waiting games....
Remember the milestone I wrote a few weeks before? Now its back to square one for the birth certificate. Apparently we need to produce the birth certificate from the place my wife was born, which is Maesai. So now we have completed everything again for Maesai (another bloody rounds of interviews and kopi money) and waiting for the results.
It should be safe sailing this time as the Pa Lat from MaeFaLeung personally gave a call and letter to the Pa Lat of Maesai to help my wife. But the process is really damn slow and inefficient. (kind of miss Singapore's efficiency in this matter)
So more waiting games.... crossing my fingers again.
Waiting games....
It should be safe sailing this time as the Pa Lat from MaeFaLeung personally gave a call and letter to the Pa Lat of Maesai to help my wife. But the process is really damn slow and inefficient. (kind of miss Singapore's efficiency in this matter)
So more waiting games.... crossing my fingers again.