The burger is quite huge in Aisan standard. Not bad but the price tag is a bit high. Sad to say the burgers tasted much like BK's burger. My Super Star basically is a Double Whopper with Cheese while my friend's Western is basically a Extra large Double Bacon. The burgers are so so. Meat not as fresh as the Super Burger I tried at Vivo so have to give a 2.7 stars out of 5. Suppose to be 3 but the price a bit high.
The sides are interesting though. The combo is suppose to give a normal fires but you could top up a few cents for something different. I chose Criscross fries which tasted quite good while my friend took the onion rings. I highly recommend the onion rings which are really made of real onions (unlike the BK's onion flour rings). 4 out of 5 for the rings alone. The free flow drinks are interesting too. Besides the usual fare of soft drinks. They serve non- sugar ice tea which you could add syrup and lemon slices on your own. Which is really a fantastic idea. I like Teo-O kosong peng and thats what I get.

Overall feeling of Carl's Jr is like an upgraded and more expensive BK. I do like its idea of the free flow drinks and its onion rings. But still, nothing exceptionally special. Overall 3.5 out of 5 stars. Will eat again but not too soon. REALLY quite heavy meal and not recommended for those consious about their weight.
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