Think kids in Singapore are damn lucky. Most of their cameras their parent loaned to them are quite powderful one leh. One kid even got a DSLR (Canon 400D) which is a latest model some more. Anyway, anyone who had tried teaching to a bunch of kids from 7 to 12 will know that their attention span is quite short. So have to keep things simple.
The first day (Monday)was a simple lecture on photography. Later in the afternoon we went to the nearby playground to shoot. Havoc liao. hehehe. Lucky they all scared of Ms Teo (teacher in charge). After the shoot, we all returned back to the center to wash up, while we load the photos into our laptop. Then we went through all their photos to point out their mistakes. Most of them make the same mistakes anyway. And that concludes Day 1.

So some of them quite disapointed that they lost their photos (especially those hardworking one). Anyway, we showed their photos and I am personally quite pleased that most of them did improved after their first day.
Quite an interesting experience but a bit shiong leh. Yesterday went back home, eat dinner, bath then sleep liao. Anyway, miss my girl very much, just 5 more days to go!
Wahhhhhhh.... 大工程.... 听了都Stress..
Mr 巴笼笼
Sorry to read between the lines.... haha can't help to be the skeptic.
Firstly is it necessary for such workshop for KIDS in the first place?
I meant kid at 7 toying with a professional camera and learing to shoot?
As you said yourself those parents are loaning or maybe even gave their kids these cameras.
Kids should just play with normal toys and should not be expose to adult toys at such a young age. If so I think they won't know the value to things when they are growing up.
haha... okay lah, if they want to start early its ok. They are not really holding professional cameras, just a bit more expensive ones (latest models). Anyway, those who won are those actually holding quite normal Point N Shoot camera. Will post some of their photos later. Not bad for kids
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