I can't exactly remember the first time I join my first photography class in SLCC (Stanley Lim Colour Centre). I think its between 2003 or 2004. I saw an ad in Clubsnap on makeover photography course and was interested in learning how the process goes. Some might say its weird that I took up this course as I actually disliked fashion photography. But during that time, I am under the influence that by gaining more photography skills, I could use it as a way to make some extra income through photography, and makeover seems like a good choice to start.
My instructor was Danny. (Who later left SLCC due to differences which I will not elaborate too much) And the course was interesting and refreshing. So I signed up the Wedding and Event course. Which was conducted by Stanley himself.
I could safely credit that my flash light photography (I rarely use flash that time as I shoot landscape) skill actually improved by leaps and bounds under Stanley's tutelage. His humor and down to earth instructions and no holding back of information is an eye opener for me. Have a question and ask him and he will answer your queries as much as possible.
Over the course of time I was there. I started to make new friends.
The first, of course was our lady boss, Joanne. First impression, feisty and LOUD but hold no nonsense. But after a while, a wonderful person to work with and not forgetting to mention that she is practical and efficient in every details in every project we have worked together. (Although sometimes Garang Gabra due to not enough sleep)
Yong Xiao, Our punching bag and "toy". (Also the one who broke my spectacle and my Norton 1.5mm) From a small boy till now, a teenager. Whom I felt like a little brother that I never had. (Although he call me Uncle......)
Yan Ru, although I don't get to talk to her often but I see she cares for her mother and brother. Her make-up skill is improving a lot!!! And I see potential in her.
My Shi Shiong Shi Di men which I learnt a lot from.
Like Wei Liang. Honest and the most hardworking person I ever met. Always learning from his mistakes and never try to make them again.
Kelvin, Fantastic food shots and still life techniques and of course, learnt some great PS from him.
Yeow Ting, the best gear head among us, giving us tips and info in MF, lenses and other accessories that we had no idea its for. I still remember the day he showed me his minolta 28-135mm...
Max 2.8 Although I don't see him often but he's da one (and I believe one of the pioneer) in digital IR photography in Singapore. He's also the one who showed me his Bessa and I got hooked into RF..
UKay. Now a very successful commercial photographer where we used to go shoot together and he showing me the great Minolta 100mm Macro. Makes me convert back to Minolta for good.
Andrew. The one who found me a job in DC and now my constant companion in shooting slides and negatives. (And LOMO!!)
Cheng Lai. My team lead during the Malacca trip. Small guy who talk loud and eat a lot. Those classic face that you see him you feel like laughing liao..
Jing Jian and his gang, Joel and Ray. Its a small world that I get to meet Jing Jian again (used to be in NAAPL). Joel the cool and handsome guy and his cousin Ray, who seems quiet but is as chatty and not to mention his wedding photos are just brilliant.
Ser Ling. My only student who uses the Pentax system!! haha but his photos speaks for themselves.
Mok. Who has one of the most fantastic collection of travel and landscape photos that I could dream of going. And also the guy who brought me to CIAS to conduct lessons for those interested in photography.
There are many others that I wish I have the time and space to include. But as I'm writing this while sitting in the office (oops!). Apologies to those who I have missed but I do remember you (although I might have forgotten your names) :)
So I have mixed feelings for today actually. On one hand, I am happy for Stanley and Joanne as the business is already failing and its not sustaining itself. On the other hand, sad to see it go and so quickly too.
Still, I guess we can still meet up one day and get to chat about photography.
Just that another part of my life seems to have gone and I get a bit sentimental about it.
PS: The photo of the new signboard is taken by me btw.. Think its Kelvin, not me... :P