I am going to start teaching Basic Photography at Stanley Lim Colour Centre. Anyone interested do visit the links here (Monday) or here(Staturday) to sign up.
The course details are in the thread. If possible, do help me to spread around the news. hehehe
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I came back for my RT (Remedial Training) as I failed my IPPT. For those non-Singaporeans. IPPT is a fitness test that all Singaporean National Service must take. If you failed yout IPPT, then you need to take up RT which could last for 2 months.
Anyway, as usual, I went to report at Bedok FCC. Not as enthusiastic as I used to be. First day normally just a lot of talking and briefing (telling you the dos and don'ts) and a little light workout. I have already calculated the end date to be 13 July. Just 3 weeks shy from my window period.
Anyway, plan to take some action and complain about my knee. Really painful from all that jumping jacks... See whether can downgrade anot :P
Anyway, as usual, I went to report at Bedok FCC. Not as enthusiastic as I used to be. First day normally just a lot of talking and briefing (telling you the dos and don'ts) and a little light workout. I have already calculated the end date to be 13 July. Just 3 weeks shy from my window period.
Anyway, plan to take some action and complain about my knee. Really painful from all that jumping jacks... See whether can downgrade anot :P
Anything? Whatever!
I did not write for the pass 2 days. Its not I have nothing to write but rather there is too much things to write and I can't really decide on what to start with! haha
Anyway, heard about the new drinks commercial from my cousin and did a search. Not on google but I still managed to find the relevant website.
www.anything.com.sg (Click on media to see the TV commercial)
I am quite impressed by the marketing effort. Not sure whether it really tastes good (6 flavours) but I guess it kinds of drill the info into your head with such catchy names and funny commercials.
Who says Singaporeans are not creative?? :P
*Update* Forgot to mention the director of both videos are by a very famous Thai film director.. hehehe....
Anyway, heard about the new drinks commercial from my cousin and did a search. Not on google but I still managed to find the relevant website.
www.anything.com.sg (Click on media to see the TV commercial)
I am quite impressed by the marketing effort. Not sure whether it really tastes good (6 flavours) but I guess it kinds of drill the info into your head with such catchy names and funny commercials.
Who says Singaporeans are not creative?? :P
*Update* Forgot to mention the director of both videos are by a very famous Thai film director.. hehehe....
Back in Singapore
Was back in SG yesterday around 3pm. Not too sure why but was shacked out from the journey. Talked to wife and baby via Skype and went to bed early. Actually I felt sick at night. Was wondering could it be the sudden change in weather and air quality??
I woke up at 9am but continued to sleep until 2pm. Arranged a meetup with my cousin at 645pm. Everytime I came back from Thailand, sure got something spoil. This time, its my EzLink card. Nah ma, tapped it on the bus and no response. Tommorrow still need to go and change it.
I woke up at 9am but continued to sleep until 2pm. Arranged a meetup with my cousin at 645pm. Everytime I came back from Thailand, sure got something spoil. This time, its my EzLink card. Nah ma, tapped it on the bus and no response. Tommorrow still need to go and change it.
Girl girl is 1 year old yesterday on 18 May 2007!!!
Here are the photos of the event. (Click on the album below to see)
We went to a Mu Yang (Bar-B-Q) restaurant to celebrate. Anyway, I have to keep things short as I am still packing and preparing my journey back to Singapore tommorrow. There is also another MAJOR announcement within this week. I will break the news once its fullfilled. Meanwhile, most probably you will hear from me again on the 21st.
Here are the photos of the event. (Click on the album below to see)
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Xing Hui Birthday |
We went to a Mu Yang (Bar-B-Q) restaurant to celebrate. Anyway, I have to keep things short as I am still packing and preparing my journey back to Singapore tommorrow. There is also another MAJOR announcement within this week. I will break the news once its fullfilled. Meanwhile, most probably you will hear from me again on the 21st.
Mum's here.
My mother came today. She as usual, brought along some gifts for girl girl. Wify very happy with the gold chain my mum gave Xin Hui. (Thai people really like gold.)
Anyway, I will be busy with my girl's birthday party and accompany my mother for the next few days) before I leave for Singapore. So blog will most probably take a break till the 20th.
Anyway, I will be busy with my girl's birthday party and accompany my mother for the next few days) before I leave for Singapore. So blog will most probably take a break till the 20th.
Aje BIG(Gargantuan) Cola

Anyway, you should be able to see the price on the bottle. 40Baht!!!
Back to School
Wife wanted to learn to read and write Thai again. Last time she started was in her 6th month pregnancy but stopped after the baby is due till now. She hated studying when I knew her before she got Xin hui(I suspect she got ADD :P). But that changed after she feels responsible to teach our kids too. (Especially got a husband so damn smart hehehe). So I did encouraged her to at least learn how to read. Its better as both of us are blind when trying to read some official documents.
So she signed up for those Village Community language class (something like our CC in Singapore). And to my surprise, they even give out an official certificate if they complete the course. That certificate is recognised in all of Thailand. Best of all, you pay only if you want to! There's no fixed or minimum fees for the course. If you could pay more, just pay more lah. That means literally it is free to those who are poor!! Except the printing of the certificate of course which cost 10baht at most :P.
I just don't understand why Singapore cannot provide free education. They could do it here in the KAMPONG Thailand. Singapore so damn rich, can't they just offload the education fees for our children till tertiary studies?
Anyway, wife just left for school (3 hours every week) and baby is still sleeping. First time Xin Hui going to be away from mummy for so long. Pray hard hard she don't wake up that early.....
So she signed up for those Village Community language class (something like our CC in Singapore). And to my surprise, they even give out an official certificate if they complete the course. That certificate is recognised in all of Thailand. Best of all, you pay only if you want to! There's no fixed or minimum fees for the course. If you could pay more, just pay more lah. That means literally it is free to those who are poor!! Except the printing of the certificate of course which cost 10baht at most :P.
I just don't understand why Singapore cannot provide free education. They could do it here in the KAMPONG Thailand. Singapore so damn rich, can't they just offload the education fees for our children till tertiary studies?
Anyway, wife just left for school (3 hours every week) and baby is still sleeping. First time Xin Hui going to be away from mummy for so long. Pray hard hard she don't wake up that early.....
These are good stuff.
Courtesy of Sammyboy Alfresco Forum.
The first video is not as impressive or funny but quite interesting anyway.
The second one is an inspiration from the first. Which to me is really quite good. (Especially the ending part.) Do watch it before if possible. It was uploaded 7 days ago and managed to generate 10k views.
But this makes me ponder... seems like our "old man" seems to get more and more hated by the young people....
Anyway.. will be mass mailing this to all my friends... hehe
*UPDATE I kind of found the source of the photos in the end of video 2. Here are the links by the same photographer. Much Kudos to him to show us how much "progress" we had made these pass few years.
Homeless People of Singapore
Beggars and Peddlars
The first video is not as impressive or funny but quite interesting anyway.
The second one is an inspiration from the first. Which to me is really quite good. (Especially the ending part.) Do watch it before if possible. It was uploaded 7 days ago and managed to generate 10k views.
But this makes me ponder... seems like our "old man" seems to get more and more hated by the young people....
Anyway.. will be mass mailing this to all my friends... hehe
*UPDATE I kind of found the source of the photos in the end of video 2. Here are the links by the same photographer. Much Kudos to him to show us how much "progress" we had made these pass few years.
Homeless People of Singapore
Beggars and Peddlars
List of things to do.
Just added a list of things to do at the sidebar to my blog. Kinds of a work like a reminder for me for most of the things in the list are related to my problems. The things to be done are in priority. Those on the top are the most important one. (Especially the top of the list).
How True!!
Stumbled upon this post in the Net about religion and children. I was actually thinking about writing something similar but some people already did it. Great blogsphere!
Anyway, to summurise a bit, kids are easy to psycho as its their learning period. This is a universally accepted fact.(We learn languages and skills easiest when we are young and developing) By forcing or imprinting our children to comply with our(parents) religion is like abusing their rights to live and choose themselves in this living world (Yes, I strongly believe children are humans and have their rights too!). Of course, one could argue they could choose wrongly and join some cults but in the final decision, its still their choice. What may seems a cult to you might be something for others. So long he or she is happy about it. If its really something that is really malicious, what we could do is just advice. If we have been educating our children well, it should not be difficult for us to convince them otherwise.
Personally, even if (those zealots claimed) my Lord, Buddha, Allah, Jade Emperor or etc(LBAJetc) will punish me if I don't convert my kids immediately. I will still leave my kids out of religious teachings until he or she is their teens, where they could make better decisions out of themselves. But I sincerely doubt my list of LBAJetc will punish me for not letting my kids choose. Since they are all good and we just need to have "faith" that they will make the right decisions mah..
Don't you say? :)
Anyway, to summurise a bit, kids are easy to psycho as its their learning period. This is a universally accepted fact.(We learn languages and skills easiest when we are young and developing) By forcing or imprinting our children to comply with our(parents) religion is like abusing their rights to live and choose themselves in this living world (Yes, I strongly believe children are humans and have their rights too!). Of course, one could argue they could choose wrongly and join some cults but in the final decision, its still their choice. What may seems a cult to you might be something for others. So long he or she is happy about it. If its really something that is really malicious, what we could do is just advice. If we have been educating our children well, it should not be difficult for us to convince them otherwise.
Personally, even if (those zealots claimed) my Lord, Buddha, Allah, Jade Emperor or etc(LBAJetc) will punish me if I don't convert my kids immediately. I will still leave my kids out of religious teachings until he or she is their teens, where they could make better decisions out of themselves. But I sincerely doubt my list of LBAJetc will punish me for not letting my kids choose. Since they are all good and we just need to have "faith" that they will make the right decisions mah..
Don't you say? :)
Star Wars Xiao
Stumble this clip from Stage6. Pretty impressive for an amateur film maker. Anyway, here's a youtube link
You may wish to go to their website www.ryanvsdorkman.com for the High Quality DivX video (400+ MB) or check out who this xiao (fanatic) people are.
You may wish to go to their website www.ryanvsdorkman.com for the High Quality DivX video (400+ MB) or check out who this xiao (fanatic) people are.
Just weight myself.... bloody hell.. 93kg liao... jialat.. getting back to FatBoi again. I stopped exercising and have not been careful on what I eat. The pork and beef here really very tempting. Not to mention friend chicken. Bloody 80 baht can buy the whole chicken.
So my 2 months back in SG. (Yes I am coming back again!!!) will be operation detox and fat reduction. Since kena RT, so should help a bit if I exercise a bit everyday.
Now ask me go run 5km think cannot liao... not mentally strong as used to be. Think most promoted to father oso sama sama... hahaha
So my 2 months back in SG. (Yes I am coming back again!!!) will be operation detox and fat reduction. Since kena RT, so should help a bit if I exercise a bit everyday.
Now ask me go run 5km think cannot liao... not mentally strong as used to be. Think most promoted to father oso sama sama... hahaha
Aje BIG Cola
Sorry for the lousy photo, took this on my built in web cam...
A New Hope.
Sounds exactly like a Starwars movie.. hehe .. Anyway, there are consistent rumours of issuing of ID cards for my wife's people. Today, we booked a 4x4 truck to Hin Tack (the village which my wife is suppose to have her Green Card) to consult the Village head.
After an hour and a half journey of mountain roads, we reached her village at a mountain top.. Really Sua Ku (Mountain Turtle). This is the 3rd time I accompanied her to the village and each visit is not exactly pleasant. The views are good, mountain range of rice padi and crops. Its the village head that both of us really do not like.. Really money face. LL, need his help so have to wayang a bit. The people here tends to think outsiders like me are rich. And the village head shamelessly told my wife "I help you, so you should help me." Wify never like them but also LL. But we oso smart enough not to give a direct yes or no whenever he asked for "help". This time, he wishes us to buy a plot of land so that he could cultivate it for us. Each year he would send us some money for the "joint" venture. Right..... send me 1000baht oso can. Never really know how much he earn from the crops. Wify also smart from pass deals so politically said that she has no real ID card so cannot buy land... hahaha.... great counter from her. hehe
Sometimes I really don't mind giving, but the way they shamelessly asked for it is a bit too much for my liking. Anyway, the kind of good news is that end of the month, they are giving out the citizenship for year 2528 - 2538 (Thai uses Buddhist Calendar). Wife's card falls in the range so there is hope again.....
After an hour and a half journey of mountain roads, we reached her village at a mountain top.. Really Sua Ku (Mountain Turtle). This is the 3rd time I accompanied her to the village and each visit is not exactly pleasant. The views are good, mountain range of rice padi and crops. Its the village head that both of us really do not like.. Really money face. LL, need his help so have to wayang a bit. The people here tends to think outsiders like me are rich. And the village head shamelessly told my wife "I help you, so you should help me." Wify never like them but also LL. But we oso smart enough not to give a direct yes or no whenever he asked for "help". This time, he wishes us to buy a plot of land so that he could cultivate it for us. Each year he would send us some money for the "joint" venture. Right..... send me 1000baht oso can. Never really know how much he earn from the crops. Wify also smart from pass deals so politically said that she has no real ID card so cannot buy land... hahaha.... great counter from her. hehe
Sometimes I really don't mind giving, but the way they shamelessly asked for it is a bit too much for my liking. Anyway, the kind of good news is that end of the month, they are giving out the citizenship for year 2528 - 2538 (Thai uses Buddhist Calendar). Wife's card falls in the range so there is hope again.....
Russian KV-1 (light)
Think this should be the last model I shall complete in Thailand before heading back to SG. KV stands for Kliment Voroshilov who is suppose to be a politician in Soviet Union. You could read more about the tank history here.
Another photo.
Later at night, I was powdering my baby after her bath and it dawns on me how to improve my model.... hehehe

Looks much much better... but have to be careful when handling it.
This bugger is quite easy to build as it has minimium accessories. I did a wash this time and it came out looking fine.. I decided to try weathering it in snowy condition. I bought a Tamiya Snow weathering stick and decided to try it.. pretty good, the stick works like a crayon. The pre results are the first 2 photos.
First try just using the stick.

Later at night, I was powdering my baby after her bath and it dawns on me how to improve my model.... hehehe

Funny Frog
I do know some frogs could climb a tree but a wall?? Something new to me. Call me Mountain Turtle if you like but managed to catch this little froggy climbing my garden wall. It even climb backwards (reverse like a car) later but did not managed to catch that on video...
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