Normally I try to avoid or recommend soda water. (I seldom drinks them as they are not very healthy). But just this once for exception. Its called AJE Big Cola and it comes in bottles of 535ml. Think you could only find this here in Thailand. The local Coke tastes like sugar water (much too sweet). Pepsi is ok but more expensive. This bottle cost 10baht nia (SG 43 cents). Beat that!!!
Sorry for the lousy photo, took this on my built in web cam...
And why is the bottle empty?
Wah dun tell me you donw 535ml of it!
err..empty because I drank it lor... btw... girl girl seems to like the bottle very much... :P
well...u are wrong my friend... this is actualy a Cola made in the far Peru, in south america. It has been a total boom for many years already in Mexico, Venezuela, Ecuador and even Thailand as a substitute of the shitty Coca-Cola..
Cheers from Peru
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