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End of the year 2008 post 3 - My friends

Its a great year especially in April and May when I joined my current company. Met some fantastic people and as usual, some weird ones... hehehehe

And also managed to convert 3 of my colleagues into shutterbugs. All Canon users though (wonder how much Canon will pay me??)

Anyway, here are my wishes (and some predictions) to my friends individually

Javert(HH) - More Rolex-es next year :P

BC & SM - A spiritual year for both of you! Master Yogis... (And to BC, hope you can bend into positions no one has ever bended before :P)

Johnny & Miao Ying
More joys and best wishes to both of you and your cute little boys..

Bro Yap & Family - Never get in touch with u for sometime. Best of the year and hope Ah Boy become big strong and healthy (but less crazy like Daddy.. :P)

Chang Guan - 2009! Huat Ah!!! :)

Lay Lay and BH and the Goh bros - 3 boys liao!!! Wonder how both of you can manage!! hehee anyway, Best wishes in 2009!

Celeste (Hong Ying) - Finally tie the knot this year liao.. hahahaha! So best of luck and wishes in 2009..

BaLongLong - Time to pass on and settle down?? Hope you dun waste the other person time anymore...

Kok Hwa & Family - Baby 2 out liao means need more moola.. Best wished too in 2009

Andy - Finally promoted to Uncle.. hehe. Best wishes to your family in 2009 and best of luck in your new job.

Miing - Hope you get less "busy" this year so we can go cycling again.

Stanley & Joanne
Stanley - More business to you. Best wishes at the new location.
Joanne - Less drinking from the one above.. (just being hopeful)
YR - Best of luck in your job and hope you get more sidelines
YX - Hope you can improve in your studies next year and help your mummy out...

Ah Dog - Hope year 2009 you tio Toto or 4D and clear your financial issues. And many "thanks" for getting me into DC.

Calvin - Best wishes to your family! Especially your boy boy and hopefully u oso on target fast fast and get the 2nd one... hehe

Callan - I smell 5D Mk2 in 2009?? :P

Ah Long Ray - I smell you taking over Callan 50D... :P

Hodi - Big Money!!! Big Money!!! Coming your way!!!

Mok - Hope you send less "error" emails next yr.

Nelson - More bananas for you next year!! (And no one took yours)

Karthek - Lvl 2!! lvl 2!! CCNP Lvl 2!!

Syu - More TV series from you pal!!! and hope you get used to Singapore weather asap and less coughing next yr!

Linda - Hope the stock market turns around next year....

Mark - SDM liao!!! Congrats and hope 2009 get more moola and promotions.. kekeke

Jimmy & Florence - Best wishes in 2009 for both of you and Bizwebs.

And to those I have missed.. Just that I didn't see you much in 2008 so I also not sure what to write. Still, hope the current economy crisis doesn't affect you or your love ones and may a "bullish" year come in 2009!!!

End of the year 2008 post 3 - My friends

Its a great year especially in April and May when I joined my current company. Met some fantastic people and as usual, some weird ones... hehehehe

And also managed to convert 3 of my colleagues into shutterbugs. All Canon users though (wonder how much Canon will pay me??)

Anyway, here are my wishes (and some predictions) to my friends individually

Javert(HH) - More Rolex-es next year :P

BC & SM - A spiritual year for both of you! Master Yogis... (And to BC, hope you can bend into positions no one has ever bended before :P)

Johnny & Miao Ying
More joys and best wishes to both of you and your cute little boys..

Bro Yap & Family - Never get in touch with u for sometime. Best of the year and hope Ah Boy become big strong and healthy (but less crazy like Daddy.. :P)

Chang Guan - 2009! Huat Ah!!! :)

Lay Lay and BH and the Goh bros - 3 boys liao!!! Wonder how both of you can manage!! hehee anyway, Best wishes in 2009!

Celeste (Hong Ying) - Finally tie the knot this year liao.. hahahaha! So best of luck and wishes in 2009..

BaLongLong - Time to pass on and settle down?? Hope you dun waste the other person time anymore...

Kok Hwa & Family - Baby 2 out liao means need more moola.. Best wished too in 2009

Andy - Finally promoted to Uncle.. hehe. Best wishes to your family in 2009 and best of luck in your new job.

Miing - Hope you get less "busy" this year so we can go cycling again.

Stanley & Joanne
Stanley - More business to you. Best wishes at the new location.
Joanne - Less drinking from the one above.. (just being hopeful)
YR - Best of luck in your job and hope you get more sidelines
YX - Hope you can improve in your studies next year and help your mummy out...

Ah Dog - Hope year 2009 you tio Toto or 4D and clear your financial issues. And many "thanks" for getting me into DC.

Calvin - Best wishes to your family! Especially your boy boy and hopefully u oso on target fast fast and get the 2nd one... hehe

Callan - I smell 5D Mk2 in 2009?? :P

Ah Long Ray - I smell you taking over Callan 50D... :P

Hodi - Big Money!!! Big Money!!! Coming your way!!!

Mok - Hope you send less "error" emails next yr.

Nelson - More bananas for you next year!! (And no one took yours)

Karthek - Lvl 2!! lvl 2!! CCNP Lvl 2!!

Syu - More TV series from you pal!!! and hope you get used to Singapore weather asap and less coughing next yr!

Linda - Hope the stock market turns around next year....

Mark - SDM liao!!! Congrats and hope 2009 get more moola and promotions.. kekeke

Jimmy & Florence - Best wishes in 2009 for both of you and Bizwebs.

And to those I have missed.. Just that I didn't see you much in 2008 so I also not sure what to write. Still, hope the current economy crisis doesn't affect you or your love ones and may a "bullish" year come in 2009!!!

End of the year 2008 post 2 - My girl girl.

Xin Hui is going to be 3 next year and she already starts to show off her traits.

She is bossy, likes to tell my wife and housekeeper to do this and that. She has a flair of picking up new languages fast. (Can understood Thai, Chinese, Burmese and a little bit of English). Can count to 10 in 3 languages (although I have no idea if she understood them at all)

She went to pre-school just in Dec and she is adapting well. 2 weeks into the school and she already won the best student award(according to my wife is that the school would give out one every a while to encourage the children) Not to brag but I'm happy that among the 4 new students(including my girl).She's the only one who got it.. hehe. She faired much better then Na Phat (wife's friends daughter who is a month older than Xin Hui and currently her best pal), who seems having a hard time in school.

The teachers there are also very active in giving feedback to my wife on girl girl's status and habits at school. She is attentive and very clever. Willing to try things on her own. She did not displayed her bossy self though in school. But the teacher do noted to my wife that the pranks she played in school are unusual, not life threatening but bloody entertaining.... (guess she inherited that from me :P).

Recently wify told her about the baby and she is very happy about it. She even told my wife she prefer a younger sister than a brother... And she already start addressing herself "Pi Xinhui" (used to be Nawng for little) Guess she is going to be happy to have a younger sibling to boss around. kekeke

End of the year 2008 post 2 - My girl girl.

Xin Hui is going to be 3 next year and she already starts to show off her traits.

She is bossy, likes to tell my wife and housekeeper to do this and that. She has a flair of picking up new languages fast. (Can understood Thai, Chinese, Burmese and a little bit of English). Can count to 10 in 3 languages (although I have no idea if she understood them at all)

She went to pre-school just in Dec and she is adapting well. 2 weeks into the school and she already won the best student award(according to my wife is that the school would give out one every a while to encourage the children) Not to brag but I'm happy that among the 4 new students(including my girl).She's the only one who got it.. hehe. She faired much better then Na Phat (wife's friends daughter who is a month older than Xin Hui and currently her best pal), who seems having a hard time in school.

The teachers there are also very active in giving feedback to my wife on girl girl's status and habits at school. She is attentive and very clever. Willing to try things on her own. She did not displayed her bossy self though in school. But the teacher do noted to my wife that the pranks she played in school are unusual, not life threatening but bloody entertaining.... (guess she inherited that from me :P).

Recently wify told her about the baby and she is very happy about it. She even told my wife she prefer a younger sister than a brother... And she already start addressing herself "Pi Xinhui" (used to be Nawng for little) Guess she is going to be happy to have a younger sibling to boss around. kekeke

End of the year 2008 post 1 - My Wife

Decided to conclude these few days with some post reflecting the year of 2008. Starting off with my family. This post is dedicated to my wife, Om Jan Kam (Jam Nom).

Last year's post was bleak. Basically due to the constant pressure of the new Visa Rules implied by Thailand Immigrations and the status of my wife.

Everything is back to normal now between wife and I. Its interesting as we always able to convey more when we are separated. I think its the sudden distance that made us cherish each other more for the pass 9 months. She also seems to be more responsible now when I'm not around and I'm glad. So whoever say long distance relationship does not work is just bullshitting. Actually those who failed in such relationships are either not trying hard enough or just not having enough trust. :)

Recently, I missed my regular phone calls to her in the evening (in hospital) and she called me to check on me. Little gestures like this really warms my heart.

The year was also harsh on her. She was also frantically looking for opportunities to have her citizenship done and for 3 to 4 months. Traveled to the district offices in Mae Fa Laung and Chiang Rai frequently. Begging and pestering for more information. "Coffee" money were also spent and one day she just broke down and gave up searching. I have to spend hours in the phone to comfort her and asked her to slow down on the hunt. She knows I am constantly worried about her status and she is trying hard to fix something that is not in her hands to fix. I just feel bad about it. I know its fustrating as I have also gone through such fiasco with her and now she is doing it all by herself, alone without me by her side. Being illiterate also does not help at all and she could not really read or understand the documents.

But just the sheer will power and guts is the main reason I am attracted to her :) She never gives up (even though she vocally say it). And all I can wish is that I would be able to spend more time with her next year. She will need all my encouragement as she is now pregnant without me constantly by her side next year.

Finally, although she don't read this blog. Just want to say

Pom yoo kang koon sa-mer.

Mu En

Apologies to those who find this post a bit corny but its my blog anyway... :P

End of the year 2008 post 1 - My Wife

Decided to conclude these few days with some post reflecting the year of 2008. Starting off with my family. This post is dedicated to my wife, Om Jan Kam (Jam Nom).

Last year's post was bleak. Basically due to the constant pressure of the new Visa Rules implied by Thailand Immigrations and the status of my wife.

Everything is back to normal now between wife and I. Its interesting as we always able to convey more when we are separated. I think its the sudden distance that made us cherish each other more for the pass 9 months. She also seems to be more responsible now when I'm not around and I'm glad. So whoever say long distance relationship does not work is just bullshitting. Actually those who failed in such relationships are either not trying hard enough or just not having enough trust. :)

Recently, I missed my regular phone calls to her in the evening (in hospital) and she called me to check on me. Little gestures like this really warms my heart.

The year was also harsh on her. She was also frantically looking for opportunities to have her citizenship done and for 3 to 4 months. Traveled to the district offices in Mae Fa Laung and Chiang Rai frequently. Begging and pestering for more information. "Coffee" money were also spent and one day she just broke down and gave up searching. I have to spend hours in the phone to comfort her and asked her to slow down on the hunt. She knows I am constantly worried about her status and she is trying hard to fix something that is not in her hands to fix. I just feel bad about it. I know its fustrating as I have also gone through such fiasco with her and now she is doing it all by herself, alone without me by her side. Being illiterate also does not help at all and she could not really read or understand the documents.

But just the sheer will power and guts is the main reason I am attracted to her :) She never gives up (even though she vocally say it). And all I can wish is that I would be able to spend more time with her next year. She will need all my encouragement as she is now pregnant without me constantly by her side next year.

Finally, although she don't read this blog. Just want to say

Pom yoo kang koon sa-mer.

Mu En

Apologies to those who find this post a bit corny but its my blog anyway... :P

New Year New Look

Spent some time hunting around to re-decorate my blog and chose this new template called cutline from blogcrowd. Did minor changes here and there. And I also changed the header picture to a landscape of a rice field in Maesai I took 2 years ago :).

Hope you like the new look and happy holidays everyone!

New Year New Look

Spent some time hunting around to re-decorate my blog and chose this new template called cutline from blogcrowd. Did minor changes here and there. And I also changed the header picture to a landscape of a rice field in Maesai I took 2 years ago :).

Hope you like the new look and happy holidays everyone!


If I really go and follow the doctor's instruction and take all the medication they prescribed.

One type for pain, one for gastric, one for vomiting and 2 types of antibiotics. I only completed the antibiotics and left the other 3 alone. They even prescribed me 1 year supply of Paracetemol. Bloody 180 tabs!! And that's only CGH. SGH gave me another 80 tabs.

I wonder if someone who have financial issues are able to pay for all these drugs. I did checked with the pharmacist but she said the doctor prescribed it and I have to take it. So I guess its the doctor's fault?

So whoever wants Paracetemol (Panadol) do let me know... maybe can pass some to you.


If I really go and follow the doctor's instruction and take all the medication they prescribed.

One type for pain, one for gastric, one for vomiting and 2 types of antibiotics. I only completed the antibiotics and left the other 3 alone. They even prescribed me 1 year supply of Paracetemol. Bloody 180 tabs!! And that's only CGH. SGH gave me another 80 tabs.

I wonder if someone who have financial issues are able to pay for all these drugs. I did checked with the pharmacist but she said the doctor prescribed it and I have to take it. So I guess its the doctor's fault?

So whoever wants Paracetemol (Panadol) do let me know... maybe can pass some to you.

"Made" in Keng Tung

Some friends saw my blog and a bit shocked about my 2nd part of the post rather than the first... hahahah..

Yes, We are going to have another member into our family. Wife was feeling nauseous in early Dec and she suspected something after she missed her period. Called me and I ask her to check and she confirmed.

She also went for the normal medical check ups and everything is fine so far. Both of us are happy but also a bit embarrass. Hehe.. miss cue the first time now again.. jialat...

Anyway, baby should be "made" in Keng Tung. I was blatantly joking about it to my wife before we went for our trip that the next one would be conceived there since we don't go there often. Me and my bloody big mouth. :P

"Made" in Keng Tung

Some friends saw my blog and a bit shocked about my 2nd part of the post rather than the first... hahahah..

Yes, We are going to have another member into our family. Wife was feeling nauseous in early Dec and she suspected something after she missed her period. Called me and I ask her to check and she confirmed.

She also went for the normal medical check ups and everything is fine so far. Both of us are happy but also a bit embarrass. Hehe.. miss cue the first time now again.. jialat...

Anyway, baby should be "made" in Keng Tung. I was blatantly joking about it to my wife before we went for our trip that the next one would be conceived there since we don't go there often. Me and my bloody big mouth. :P


Not really a good year for me in 2008. First half was great until it took a downturn.

As my previous post did mentioned my health was not that good ever since I came back from Thailand in Nov. Recently, after attending my friend's wedding dinner on 6th. 2 days later I had severe stomachache. It got better the next morning and I continued to work for 2 more days before it struck again. This time was just so sudden at the office and I could not even breadth as the pain actually spread to my chest area. My colleagues called an ambulance and sent me to CGH (Changi General Hospital).

CGH checked my lungs and heart and detected no issue and send me home the next day. On MC for 4 days and on the 12th. I woke up and noticed my whole skin is yellow. Jaundice! No more CGH so this time go to SGH instead. Took 2 days for them to confirm I had a inflammation on my pancreas due to gallstones. On drips for 4 bloody days.

So now I'm back at home resting again.

On the other end. Wife is pregnant again (seems to be made in Keng Tung :P) and we did not planned this. Girl girl seems unaware of the situation that she is going to become a big sister... hehehe... And girl is now in Pre-school and she enjoys it so far. Thats the update from me so far in Dec. Will post some more if I could. Still a bit lethargic from all the drugs I took.


Not really a good year for me in 2008. First half was great until it took a downturn.

As my previous post did mentioned my health was not that good ever since I came back from Thailand in Nov. Recently, after attending my friend's wedding dinner on 6th. 2 days later I had severe stomachache. It got better the next morning and I continued to work for 2 more days before it struck again. This time was just so sudden at the office and I could not even breadth as the pain actually spread to my chest area. My colleagues called an ambulance and sent me to CGH (Changi General Hospital).

CGH checked my lungs and heart and detected no issue and send me home the next day. On MC for 4 days and on the 12th. I woke up and noticed my whole skin is yellow. Jaundice! No more CGH so this time go to SGH instead. Took 2 days for them to confirm I had a inflammation on my pancreas due to gallstones. On drips for 4 bloody days.

So now I'm back at home resting again.

On the other end. Wife is pregnant again (seems to be made in Keng Tung :P) and we did not planned this. Girl girl seems unaware of the situation that she is going to become a big sister... hehehe... And girl is now in Pre-school and she enjoys it so far. Thats the update from me so far in Dec. Will post some more if I could. Still a bit lethargic from all the drugs I took.

Hana Yori Dongo - Meteor Garden

I rarely recommend TV dramas as I'm not really into watching them (I prefer movies :) ). The main reasons is that TV series takes a lot of my time to watch them and my attention span is not that long. Most of the TV series I enjoy are normally not long winded or over then 20 episodes. (Start to get bored and draggy once it hit more than 10). There are of course exceptions like the old HK Martial Arts (Wu Xia) that I used to enjoy.

So recently, thanks to my sis who studies Japanese and watches their TV dramas. I got hooked onto this short and sweet romantic comedy drama based on a very famous manga. Hana Yori Dongo.
The story is quite typical and predictable but I have to say the production quality is pretty high. The cast chose is also very good. Most impressive of all is the acting and the soundtrack for the series (very very nice soundtracks).

It has 2 season. The first season has only 9 episodes (yeah!!) while the 2nd Season has 11. Total of 20 plus a Final movie that came out a storm in Japan this year in June. (hope Singapore will show it too)

Not going to spoil the series by giving away too much of it but here's a MV for the 2nd season done by some fans. The music is Flavor of Life by Hikaru Utada (heard only on season 2)

PS. There's a Taiwanese version and anime with the same title. Just watch the Japanese Live action will do....

Hana Yori Dongo - Meteor Garden

I rarely recommend TV dramas as I'm not really into watching them (I prefer movies :) ). The main reasons is that TV series takes a lot of my time to watch them and my attention span is not that long. Most of the TV series I enjoy are normally not long winded or over then 20 episodes. (Start to get bored and draggy once it hit more than 10). There are of course exceptions like the old HK Martial Arts (Wu Xia) that I used to enjoy.

So recently, thanks to my sis who studies Japanese and watches their TV dramas. I got hooked onto this short and sweet romantic comedy drama based on a very famous manga. Hana Yori Dongo.
The story is quite typical and predictable but I have to say the production quality is pretty high. The cast chose is also very good. Most impressive of all is the acting and the soundtrack for the series (very very nice soundtracks).

It has 2 season. The first season has only 9 episodes (yeah!!) while the 2nd Season has 11. Total of 20 plus a Final movie that came out a storm in Japan this year in June. (hope Singapore will show it too)

Not going to spoil the series by giving away too much of it but here's a MV for the 2nd season done by some fans. The music is Flavor of Life by Hikaru Utada (heard only on season 2)

PS. There's a Taiwanese version and anime with the same title. Just watch the Japanese Live action will do....

Only 1 post

for this month.. hehehe.. I'm getting lazy. Actually I was so fully packed with work and personal stuffs that my health took a toll on me. (more on that later)

Its weird and sad but I'm back to money chasing days again that I hated so much. This time I have not much choice as I can't stay in Thailand for longterm and I need to save up more money for more expenses that came up.

The first 2 weeks of Nov I was packed with work. I only had 4 rest days from my shift but instead of resting, I went to teach part time photography for my master's workshop to earn some extra cash. I worked until the last day before I left on 10 Nov morn for Thailand.

Girl girl again so happy to see me. This trip is hectic as we are planning to go to Keng Tung for 4 days out of the 9 days leave I took. The weather was changing from hot to cold and the sudden changes in temperature means you can catch a flu easily. Which I did on the third day in Thailand. We were also busy celebrating Loy Krathong. Worst still our Cindy (doggie) went missing on that night. I spent the next day on bike to search for her and no news. We need to hit the road to KengTung so we left that job to our neighbour Ah Ma and our maid.

Another stressful journey as the road is long and this time is not for vacation but a visit to see my wife's grandpa who is seriously ill and senile. We first checked him out and he was in a serious condition. My wife had to take care of him by trying to talk some sense to him (he can't even remember us) and its a pain to see a love one in such a state. That means I have to look after my little monster.. hahaha... I have to admit I enjoy it but very very tiring trying to chase her here and there when you are unwell. She speaks to me in Thai but I always reply her in Chinese. (She understood what I say though) On the fourth day, just before we left, his grandpa miraculously woke up and remembers everything. We spoke a bit and left. (I need to go as my flight was tomorrow). Back to Thailand and Cindy was found! Yeah... but just the night before my flight, I was hit by stomach flu. Wife was so worried that she wanted me to stay for a few more days. But got work to catch up leh.... need the money for my family leh...

Took the flight back and worked for 2 days before finally collasping for 2 day MC....

No one to blame but myself. But this whole incident left me thinking.. 3 or 4 years ago when I was a single, I won't be that worried about my job or even how much I earn for that month..

Only 1 post

for this month.. hehehe.. I'm getting lazy. Actually I was so fully packed with work and personal stuffs that my health took a toll on me. (more on that later)

Its weird and sad but I'm back to money chasing days again that I hated so much. This time I have not much choice as I can't stay in Thailand for longterm and I need to save up more money for more expenses that came up.

The first 2 weeks of Nov I was packed with work. I only had 4 rest days from my shift but instead of resting, I went to teach part time photography for my master's workshop to earn some extra cash. I worked until the last day before I left on 10 Nov morn for Thailand.

Girl girl again so happy to see me. This trip is hectic as we are planning to go to Keng Tung for 4 days out of the 9 days leave I took. The weather was changing from hot to cold and the sudden changes in temperature means you can catch a flu easily. Which I did on the third day in Thailand. We were also busy celebrating Loy Krathong. Worst still our Cindy (doggie) went missing on that night. I spent the next day on bike to search for her and no news. We need to hit the road to KengTung so we left that job to our neighbour Ah Ma and our maid.

Another stressful journey as the road is long and this time is not for vacation but a visit to see my wife's grandpa who is seriously ill and senile. We first checked him out and he was in a serious condition. My wife had to take care of him by trying to talk some sense to him (he can't even remember us) and its a pain to see a love one in such a state. That means I have to look after my little monster.. hahaha... I have to admit I enjoy it but very very tiring trying to chase her here and there when you are unwell. She speaks to me in Thai but I always reply her in Chinese. (She understood what I say though) On the fourth day, just before we left, his grandpa miraculously woke up and remembers everything. We spoke a bit and left. (I need to go as my flight was tomorrow). Back to Thailand and Cindy was found! Yeah... but just the night before my flight, I was hit by stomach flu. Wife was so worried that she wanted me to stay for a few more days. But got work to catch up leh.... need the money for my family leh...

Took the flight back and worked for 2 days before finally collasping for 2 day MC....

No one to blame but myself. But this whole incident left me thinking.. 3 or 4 years ago when I was a single, I won't be that worried about my job or even how much I earn for that month..

Bloody SAF100

Wat lau.... Was hoping they don't call me back but still received it. In Camp Training (ICT) to be scheduled on 27 April till 15 May 2009. Luckily it didn't crashed on Songkran and girl girl's birthday. So I guess I'm safe.

Boss headache liao as I will be away for sometime. Already our head ops is asking our boss to cut cost liao (means less OT). So I guess Big boss won't be very happy as there will be more OT due to my absence.. hehe

Come to think of it, this is only my 3rd high key and I'm already going to be 33 next year. Guess I will only complete my 10 cycle when I'm bloody 40. Just thinking of it just make me sianzz...

Bloody SAF100

Wat lau.... Was hoping they don't call me back but still received it. In Camp Training (ICT) to be scheduled on 27 April till 15 May 2009. Luckily it didn't crashed on Songkran and girl girl's birthday. So I guess I'm safe.

Boss headache liao as I will be away for sometime. Already our head ops is asking our boss to cut cost liao (means less OT). So I guess Big boss won't be very happy as there will be more OT due to my absence.. hehe

Come to think of it, this is only my 3rd high key and I'm already going to be 33 next year. Guess I will only complete my 10 cycle when I'm bloody 40. Just thinking of it just make me sianzz...

Kena Arrowed

Its 6 months into my new job and got my confirmation letter last Tues. And on that day itself. I am "promoted" to be the shift lead. No need to congratulate me as this is a position no one wants to hold as its more work and responsibilities while no increment in pay.

I actually see this coming as I am currently a bit "over qualified" for this job. Used to be in the management but now into this shift job. And frankly, out of the 14 team members, I am one of the degree holders among the 2 in our team. So its expected that they will arrow me this bloody post.

signzzz back to work then....

Kena Arrowed

Its 6 months into my new job and got my confirmation letter last Tues. And on that day itself. I am "promoted" to be the shift lead. No need to congratulate me as this is a position no one wants to hold as its more work and responsibilities while no increment in pay.

I actually see this coming as I am currently a bit "over qualified" for this job. Used to be in the management but now into this shift job. And frankly, out of the 14 team members, I am one of the degree holders among the 2 in our team. So its expected that they will arrow me this bloody post.

signzzz back to work then....

It's BUY

Stock market has crashed!! Already I have made some bargain purchases in the local market. Some my friends and colleagues says it will go even lower, so why buy now??

The main reason is that when its that low. Nobody will sell it anyway. So the best time to buy is actually when the market is going down, but have not bottomed out. Then what you do is to hold the stock for as long as possible (long term investments of at least 2 years). So even if the stock does not rebound. You most probably will get something out of their dividends payout. (I always look out for companies that are financially sound and has a good roadmap)

So what did I invested this time?? :) Just some stocks on energy related, agriculture and communications. As the title suggest. Now's the time to BUY... hehehe

It's BUY

Stock market has crashed!! Already I have made some bargain purchases in the local market. Some my friends and colleagues says it will go even lower, so why buy now??

The main reason is that when its that low. Nobody will sell it anyway. So the best time to buy is actually when the market is going down, but have not bottomed out. Then what you do is to hold the stock for as long as possible (long term investments of at least 2 years). So even if the stock does not rebound. You most probably will get something out of their dividends payout. (I always look out for companies that are financially sound and has a good roadmap)

So what did I invested this time?? :) Just some stocks on energy related, agriculture and communications. As the title suggest. Now's the time to BUY... hehehe

Camera wishlist. - The A900

Wow. time really flies when you are working! I have not checked my blog for 8 days!!
Anyway, planning to save up to get this camera. Not cheap whor... 4kSGD. Can easily buy 2 motorbikes in Thailand!

Do I really need it, well I always dream of having a Full Frame DSLR. So when Sony finally release their A900 flagship, I went straight to a Sonystyle shop to try it out. Picture quality and the resolution is damn impressive (highest amount of MP in the FF now). Interface is the same as my A700 but the point to note is the bloody viewfinder. Finally get to see a film camera size viewfinder. Bright and 100% coverage which means I no longer need to squint my eyes to peer through the little hole in my current camera. (I wear spectacles and this makes it worst)

But... 4k leh.... think if I buy, wife will seriously kill me liao.... so just a wishlist. Hopefully price will drop (sure will lah) and then i grab later... hehehe

Camera wishlist. - The A900

Wow. time really flies when you are working! I have not checked my blog for 8 days!!
Anyway, planning to save up to get this camera. Not cheap whor... 4kSGD. Can easily buy 2 motorbikes in Thailand!

Do I really need it, well I always dream of having a Full Frame DSLR. So when Sony finally release their A900 flagship, I went straight to a Sonystyle shop to try it out. Picture quality and the resolution is damn impressive (highest amount of MP in the FF now). Interface is the same as my A700 but the point to note is the bloody viewfinder. Finally get to see a film camera size viewfinder. Bright and 100% coverage which means I no longer need to squint my eyes to peer through the little hole in my current camera. (I wear spectacles and this makes it worst)

But... 4k leh.... think if I buy, wife will seriously kill me liao.... so just a wishlist. Hopefully price will drop (sure will lah) and then i grab later... hehehe

Life as usual.

Frankly, I have nothing to update on my personal issues. Thailand's politics are still in a mess and the recent violence will actually make things worst. That's all I can say for the Land of Smile.

Wife's ID still waiting and waiting (like in a black hole) Still, just have to keep on hoping that day will come.

Work is as usual. Slaving 12 hours on each shift. Two of colleagues recently acquired a new DSLR and now are constantly bugging me on teaching them photography. (honestly, I enjoyed the bugging hehehehe) We went for a shoot last Friday at Lavrador park. I was trying to shoot some sunset but the sky was way too cloudy. Didn't really get what I want.

Been chasing Heores 3 ever since I came back!! Yeah!!! Sylar became the good guy!! hahahah and he's actually brother of.... (nah.. not going to spoil the show)

I think so far the pacing and twist on the 3rd season is pretty captivating. Strongly recommend it.

That's all for the today. By the way, today is the death anniversary of Che Guevara (9th Oct 1967). If you have a chance, do read up about this fantastic character which I admire very much :).

Life as usual.

Frankly, I have nothing to update on my personal issues. Thailand's politics are still in a mess and the recent violence will actually make things worst. That's all I can say for the Land of Smile.

Wife's ID still waiting and waiting (like in a black hole) Still, just have to keep on hoping that day will come.

Work is as usual. Slaving 12 hours on each shift. Two of colleagues recently acquired a new DSLR and now are constantly bugging me on teaching them photography. (honestly, I enjoyed the bugging hehehehe) We went for a shoot last Friday at Lavrador park. I was trying to shoot some sunset but the sky was way too cloudy. Didn't really get what I want.

Been chasing Heores 3 ever since I came back!! Yeah!!! Sylar became the good guy!! hahahah and he's actually brother of.... (nah.. not going to spoil the show)

I think so far the pacing and twist on the 3rd season is pretty captivating. Strongly recommend it.

That's all for the today. By the way, today is the death anniversary of Che Guevara (9th Oct 1967). If you have a chance, do read up about this fantastic character which I admire very much :).

Fishing Trip

Some photos taken on a fishing outing in the recent trip back to Maesai.

Fishing Trip

Some photos taken on a fishing outing in the recent trip back to Maesai.

Bangkok Revisited

It's been almost3 years since I last stepped into Bangkok city centre.  As my flight back to Singapore is at  9pm.  I have 5 to 6 hours to spare.  So instead of doing nothing at the airport.  I took the airport express bus A4 to MBK (Mah Brong Krong).  Its equivalent to the Orchard road in Singapore.  I have not taken a cab to the city from the new airport and its really much furthur then Don Meaung (the old airport).  The express bus took about an hour to reach my destination.  (Pretty good considering the heavy traffic.  MBK did not changed much at all.  I think Singapore is changing more then BKK regarding the development.  I went to eat the Suki buffet.  (price increased liao)  Used to be 199 baht for an hour and 15 mins.   Now its 270 inclusive of tax.  After my dinner, walked a bit and hop onto the BTS to furthur east of the city to get out of the city jam and took a cab there back to airport.  After all these year in Thailand,  I still don't like BKK.  Not sure why but its the place I would avoid to go in Thailand.   

Bangkok Revisited

It's been almost3 years since I last stepped into Bangkok city centre.  As my flight back to Singapore is at  9pm.  I have 5 to 6 hours to spare.  So instead of doing nothing at the airport.  I took the airport express bus A4 to MBK (Mah Brong Krong).  Its equivalent to the Orchard road in Singapore.  I have not taken a cab to the city from the new airport and its really much furthur then Don Meaung (the old airport).  The express bus took about an hour to reach my destination.  (Pretty good considering the heavy traffic.  MBK did not changed much at all.  I think Singapore is changing more then BKK regarding the development.  I went to eat the Suki buffet.  (price increased liao)  Used to be 199 baht for an hour and 15 mins.   Now its 270 inclusive of tax.  After my dinner, walked a bit and hop onto the BTS to furthur east of the city to get out of the city jam and took a cab there back to airport.  After all these year in Thailand,  I still don't like BKK.  Not sure why but its the place I would avoid to go in Thailand.   

Birdnest on my Mango tree

It good to be back in Thailand. Lots of surprises and stuff to see. hehe.. Girl girl now quite tall and a bit spoiled (wify's fault). I have planted 2 mango trees and one of them actually has a nest on it (see pic). I think I saw a sparrow flying out of it. I've told my wife not to disturb it as it seems quite interesting. Ah girl also very excited about it.

Will try to post more. Need to process some photos I took on a birthday party we went.

Birdnest on my Mango tree

It good to be back in Thailand. Lots of surprises and stuff to see. hehe.. Girl girl now quite tall and a bit spoiled (wify's fault). I have planted 2 mango trees and one of them actually has a nest on it (see pic). I think I saw a sparrow flying out of it. I've told my wife not to disturb it as it seems quite interesting. Ah girl also very excited about it.

Will try to post more. Need to process some photos I took on a birthday party we went.

Budget Terminal

Nothing to do at the airport... so post a quickie here. I'm currently at the Singapore budget terminal departure hall. I have to say that the facilities and shops here has improved a lot since my last visit (think about more than a year ago). They finally made some common sense by putting the Internet connection somewhere nearer to the entrance to the gates. (about time too). Not at an obscure corner it used to be. But I see some ungracious Chinese and Korean taking a seat without using the facilities. Have to tell them off. (why always the Asians that are the bunch that makes us look bad??)

Still got an hour to go.....sighs...

Budget Terminal

Nothing to do at the airport... so post a quickie here. I'm currently at the Singapore budget terminal departure hall. I have to say that the facilities and shops here has improved a lot since my last visit (think about more than a year ago). They finally made some common sense by putting the Internet connection somewhere nearer to the entrance to the gates. (about time too). Not at an obscure corner it used to be. But I see some ungracious Chinese and Korean taking a seat without using the facilities. Have to tell them off. (why always the Asians that are the bunch that makes us look bad??)

Still got an hour to go.....sighs...

Smuggling back stuff...

No lah. Not smuggling drugs or contraband items lah.. just electronic stuff.. hehe..

Thailand's custom is quite strict on electronic or computer products. Normally they see I'm alone they will want to check for these items (especially if you are from Singapore).

I kena twice already. The first time its a brand new mobile phone that I bought for my wife and the second time was some photo printer refill cartridges that I bought in bulk. The way they tax you also jialat... like anyhow come out with a price. (most prob they pocket the money themselves) First time blur blur, so they chopped me 1000baht tax. Second time I smarter, tell them for own use and they insist they need to tax me and again tax me 1000baht. I told them straight in the face no. And say if they want they can take the refills as I don't want to pay. The things are not that expensive anyway. In the end, they settle for 100baht. In a rush, I paid and left.

So now my strategy is not to have any things in a box that looks new to them(Toys are ok though). Take out the stuff and packed it into the luggage. I got an old 19" LCD monitor I'm carrying back this coming Tues.. so I chugged it into my luggage and hope for the best. Customs in BKK are more lenient than CM. (Those 2 incidents happened in Chiang Mai.) And this time I am flying to BKK then an internal flight to Chiang Rai. So I guess I no need to worry so much about this.

Nevertheless, if you plan to buy some stuff back, just remember to be prepared to get "taxed" by these customs.

PS: Postal service also kena numerous times. But at least they give you the tax rates. Its 7% VAT and 20baht process fees. Anything more than that its "pocket money for them".

Smuggling back stuff...

No lah. Not smuggling drugs or contraband items lah.. just electronic stuff.. hehe..

Thailand's custom is quite strict on electronic or computer products. Normally they see I'm alone they will want to check for these items (especially if you are from Singapore).

I kena twice already. The first time its a brand new mobile phone that I bought for my wife and the second time was some photo printer refill cartridges that I bought in bulk. The way they tax you also jialat... like anyhow come out with a price. (most prob they pocket the money themselves) First time blur blur, so they chopped me 1000baht tax. Second time I smarter, tell them for own use and they insist they need to tax me and again tax me 1000baht. I told them straight in the face no. And say if they want they can take the refills as I don't want to pay. The things are not that expensive anyway. In the end, they settle for 100baht. In a rush, I paid and left.

So now my strategy is not to have any things in a box that looks new to them(Toys are ok though). Take out the stuff and packed it into the luggage. I got an old 19" LCD monitor I'm carrying back this coming Tues.. so I chugged it into my luggage and hope for the best. Customs in BKK are more lenient than CM. (Those 2 incidents happened in Chiang Mai.) And this time I am flying to BKK then an internal flight to Chiang Rai. So I guess I no need to worry so much about this.

Nevertheless, if you plan to buy some stuff back, just remember to be prepared to get "taxed" by these customs.

PS: Postal service also kena numerous times. But at least they give you the tax rates. Its 7% VAT and 20baht process fees. Anything more than that its "pocket money for them".

HDR Imaging

HDR stands for High Dynamic Range. A HDR photo is able to capture and display a wider range of tonal details for a particular photo. For example, the photo I took on my right is actually taken at night (around 8pm). I've made multiple exposure to the same scene on a tripod and later merged them into a HDR image using Photoshop.

Still experimenting the technique as its quite new to me. But i would say its quite interesting and rewarding once you have the results.

HDR Imaging

HDR stands for High Dynamic Range. A HDR photo is able to capture and display a wider range of tonal details for a particular photo. For example, the photo I took on my right is actually taken at night (around 8pm). I've made multiple exposure to the same scene on a tripod and later merged them into a HDR image using Photoshop.

Still experimenting the technique as its quite new to me. But i would say its quite interesting and rewarding once you have the results.

Sound Blaster X-Fi Gamer

I like music (who doesn't :P). Not to the extreme as those Audiophiles but to a certain degree, I want a system that really please my ears.

Comes the digital age and I find that I no longer really need expensive amplifiers (audiophiles will definitely disagree on this). This is because most of the time I would listen to my collections on my PC or Mp3 players. I always buy the latest creative series of soundblaster cards for my PCs as they are really good. My Audigy card just died recently so I switched to the onboard audio (those came with the motherboard)to save some money(since got one inside mah). Too my horror (Maybe I am just too fickle) but I find the output is not good at all. Bass and tonality is not there at all.

Went down to Simlim and bought the latest X-Fi series (Gamer edition). Since I might used it to play some games and its only $40 more than the standard edition. I bought it and wow.. the advertised X-Fi really works leh. Bass is deep and clear. Treble is sweet and sharp (not over piercingly like those on the motherboard). The quality is definitely better than my Audigy. Paid $135 for it and really worth it.

Sound Blaster X-Fi Gamer

I like music (who doesn't :P). Not to the extreme as those Audiophiles but to a certain degree, I want a system that really please my ears.

Comes the digital age and I find that I no longer really need expensive amplifiers (audiophiles will definitely disagree on this). This is because most of the time I would listen to my collections on my PC or Mp3 players. I always buy the latest creative series of soundblaster cards for my PCs as they are really good. My Audigy card just died recently so I switched to the onboard audio (those came with the motherboard)to save some money(since got one inside mah). Too my horror (Maybe I am just too fickle) but I find the output is not good at all. Bass and tonality is not there at all.

Went down to Simlim and bought the latest X-Fi series (Gamer edition). Since I might used it to play some games and its only $40 more than the standard edition. I bought it and wow.. the advertised X-Fi really works leh. Bass is deep and clear. Treble is sweet and sharp (not over piercingly like those on the motherboard). The quality is definitely better than my Audigy. Paid $135 for it and really worth it.

The Current Thai Politcal Crisis

I have refrained myself from writing about this issue for sometime as its a pretty complicated from an outsider's point of view. So these are just my opinions on the situation and may not reflect the true nature behind all these chaos.

The problem with Samak is that he is definitely not as charismatic as Thaksin. He won because he was leading the PPP and during the election, he proudly proclaimed to be a proxy of Thaksin. So thus, he won easily (I think most will agree on this point).

You may asked why then, such a corrupted (well the Thai courts say so) leader such as Thaksin still managed to get so many people supporting him? The main reason is still that the poor in the North (especially the farmers) and Northeast are still loyal to him. Because while he was in office, their standard of living has definitely improved (I can safely said this as I first went to Maesai in 1999 and comparing it with today, it was really really different). Roads are more well build. The people are richer. There are Internet cafes with pretty good speed and etc. He was also the one who dared to implement the now popular 30baht fee to see a doctor. So you can't really blame these people who voted for him as to them, he was their hero. Their voice.

The recent crisis we see Samak more or less being isolated and even the people in the North wants him out. I think mainly because they felt betrayed by the fact that he did not vocally supported Thaksin's return and keeping his distance away from him. Another reason is that the Northern Thais are not as vocal as those in Bangkok. And even worse, we are sure that the Army really doesn't supports him.

So the next few months will be quite interesting. Most probably we will have another election and I do hope those PAD leaders will be arrested for the recent events. These jokers are actually quite dangerous as they believed in mob rules rather than real democracy. As I have told a friend before. No matter how righteous you may declare yourself to be. You should respect the law and the current government till the end of the term. If you are able to prove that they are corrupt or a cheat (in elections). Then bring them to court. (Thai courts are quite independant from the legislatives as proven). Social discord and disobedient should be the final straw if the courts are unfair. They way they behave are like spoiled brats. Creating havoc and damage to the country because their demands are not met.

Same goes to Samak. Stop being power crazy and resign and let another PPP candidate take over. If not, call for fresh elections and win this time without proclaiming yourself to be Thaksin's proxy (see if you can win :P) But I guess its too late for him now.

The Current Thai Politcal Crisis

I have refrained myself from writing about this issue for sometime as its a pretty complicated from an outsider's point of view. So these are just my opinions on the situation and may not reflect the true nature behind all these chaos.

The problem with Samak is that he is definitely not as charismatic as Thaksin. He won because he was leading the PPP and during the election, he proudly proclaimed to be a proxy of Thaksin. So thus, he won easily (I think most will agree on this point).

You may asked why then, such a corrupted (well the Thai courts say so) leader such as Thaksin still managed to get so many people supporting him? The main reason is still that the poor in the North (especially the farmers) and Northeast are still loyal to him. Because while he was in office, their standard of living has definitely improved (I can safely said this as I first went to Maesai in 1999 and comparing it with today, it was really really different). Roads are more well build. The people are richer. There are Internet cafes with pretty good speed and etc. He was also the one who dared to implement the now popular 30baht fee to see a doctor. So you can't really blame these people who voted for him as to them, he was their hero. Their voice.

The recent crisis we see Samak more or less being isolated and even the people in the North wants him out. I think mainly because they felt betrayed by the fact that he did not vocally supported Thaksin's return and keeping his distance away from him. Another reason is that the Northern Thais are not as vocal as those in Bangkok. And even worse, we are sure that the Army really doesn't supports him.

So the next few months will be quite interesting. Most probably we will have another election and I do hope those PAD leaders will be arrested for the recent events. These jokers are actually quite dangerous as they believed in mob rules rather than real democracy. As I have told a friend before. No matter how righteous you may declare yourself to be. You should respect the law and the current government till the end of the term. If you are able to prove that they are corrupt or a cheat (in elections). Then bring them to court. (Thai courts are quite independant from the legislatives as proven). Social discord and disobedient should be the final straw if the courts are unfair. They way they behave are like spoiled brats. Creating havoc and damage to the country because their demands are not met.

Same goes to Samak. Stop being power crazy and resign and let another PPP candidate take over. If not, call for fresh elections and win this time without proclaiming yourself to be Thaksin's proxy (see if you can win :P) But I guess its too late for him now.

Time flies!

Wow! I'm a bit surprised by how time flies when you are busy. 12 more days and I will be in Thailand again. Hopefully by then all those political mess will be resolved as I may need to stay a night in BKK to settle some personal matters...

This trip will be 2 days longer than the last last one :P So already prepared most of the stuff that I need to carry back this time. Jetstar screwed up as it canceled (2 weeks before departure some more!!) its morning flight to BKK (think the protests is hurting the airlines business) . The next available flight is in the evening so I asked for a refund instead and got myself Tiger Air (Arrrgh ... the most jialat budget airline). Lucky its cheap lah, paid SGD100+ for the morning flight. The real pain in the ass is the Budget Terminal (I avoid it at all cost).

So from today onwards, I will be working night shift till 21st. So I guess there will be more posts this month....

Time flies!

Wow! I'm a bit surprised by how time flies when you are busy. 12 more days and I will be in Thailand again. Hopefully by then all those political mess will be resolved as I may need to stay a night in BKK to settle some personal matters...

This trip will be 2 days longer than the last last one :P So already prepared most of the stuff that I need to carry back this time. Jetstar screwed up as it canceled (2 weeks before departure some more!!) its morning flight to BKK (think the protests is hurting the airlines business) . The next available flight is in the evening so I asked for a refund instead and got myself Tiger Air (Arrrgh ... the most jialat budget airline). Lucky its cheap lah, paid SGD100+ for the morning flight. The real pain in the ass is the Budget Terminal (I avoid it at all cost).

So from today onwards, I will be working night shift till 21st. So I guess there will be more posts this month....

Cost of living in Maesai

gerald said...

hello fat boi
would you mind answering my questions
what the monthly costs(estimated) of living in maesai?
how much do you pay for your house?


Another reader Gerald asked about my monthly cost in Maesai. So for basic necessity like utility bills. Here's a breakdown of the latest charges (prices increased in Thailand :( ).

my rates are rounded up 100B = $4.5SGD so actually should be lesser.

Water bills average between 250B to 350B ($12 - $16)
Drinking Water 12B/Gallon House of 4 needs average 5 gallons/week 280B($13)
Electricity average between 1000B to 1500B ($45 - $68)
Phone and Internet(2MBps ADSL) 1200B ($54 We never use the phone for outgoing as its more expensive than mobile! But the incoming is free though...)
Petrol for my motorbikes 600B ($27 I don't go out often :P)
My Burmese maid 1500B per month ($68 really cheap labour but sometimes I give her more if she did a good job, and she gets to eat whatever we eat and has day off every week)

So if you take the maximum (do take note that I stay in a single story detached House.)
It will be $246. Make it safe, $300SGD for utilities and the pay my maid.

Food wise is subjective. Let's say you don't cook at all. 100B per head for each person per day is quite luxurious (A plate or bowl of noodle is 30B for large portion). So my household is Wife, baby, maid plus me(I not around at the moment though) So its 400B per day. 30 days is 12000B which converted is $540SGD
Of course, if you cook yourself, the cost will be even cheaper.....

So total is SGD$840.

I send at least SGD$1000 every month and of course my wife gets to save some money out of it.

That's the normal expenditure for a house of 4 in Maesai. Of course it can be more than that as there are diapers, sweets and shopping for clothes etc etc.... It really depends on how you spend. :P So I can safely say that SGD$1000 is quite comfortable and considered to be luxurious for Maesai's standard.

Cheap anot? Feel like going already liao right?? hehehe

Cost of living in Maesai

gerald said...

hello fat boi
would you mind answering my questions
what the monthly costs(estimated) of living in maesai?
how much do you pay for your house?


Another reader Gerald asked about my monthly cost in Maesai. So for basic necessity like utility bills. Here's a breakdown of the latest charges (prices increased in Thailand :( ).

my rates are rounded up 100B = $4.5SGD so actually should be lesser.

Water bills average between 250B to 350B ($12 - $16)
Drinking Water 12B/Gallon House of 4 needs average 5 gallons/week 280B($13)
Electricity average between 1000B to 1500B ($45 - $68)
Phone and Internet(2MBps ADSL) 1200B ($54 We never use the phone for outgoing as its more expensive than mobile! But the incoming is free though...)
Petrol for my motorbikes 600B ($27 I don't go out often :P)
My Burmese maid 1500B per month ($68 really cheap labour but sometimes I give her more if she did a good job, and she gets to eat whatever we eat and has day off every week)

So if you take the maximum (do take note that I stay in a single story detached House.)
It will be $246. Make it safe, $300SGD for utilities and the pay my maid.

Food wise is subjective. Let's say you don't cook at all. 100B per head for each person per day is quite luxurious (A plate or bowl of noodle is 30B for large portion). So my household is Wife, baby, maid plus me(I not around at the moment though) So its 400B per day. 30 days is 12000B which converted is $540SGD
Of course, if you cook yourself, the cost will be even cheaper.....

So total is SGD$840.

I send at least SGD$1000 every month and of course my wife gets to save some money out of it.

That's the normal expenditure for a house of 4 in Maesai. Of course it can be more than that as there are diapers, sweets and shopping for clothes etc etc.... It really depends on how you spend. :P So I can safely say that SGD$1000 is quite comfortable and considered to be luxurious for Maesai's standard.

Cheap anot? Feel like going already liao right?? hehehe

Just as I thought. Things not that smooth

Think the title summarise today's interview. Seems like there are some paperworks that are missing and the date of my wife getting her current id is not in line with Maesai's rule.(bit complicated, not sure how to explain also). So her birth cert was denied for the moment. Now have to check again with the other district officer on whether she can apply anot.

Sighzz... So used to this type of news. Wify also bad mood. Spent so much effort and wasted her aunties(3 old ladies) time at the district office.

Anyway, Thai politics is going haywire again. Thankfully the north is not affected much by the incidents in Bangkok. Hope everything clears before my trip back at the end of the month.

Just as I thought. Things not that smooth

Think the title summarise today's interview. Seems like there are some paperworks that are missing and the date of my wife getting her current id is not in line with Maesai's rule.(bit complicated, not sure how to explain also). So her birth cert was denied for the moment. Now have to check again with the other district officer on whether she can apply anot.

Sighzz... So used to this type of news. Wify also bad mood. Spent so much effort and wasted her aunties(3 old ladies) time at the district office.

Anyway, Thai politics is going haywire again. Thankfully the north is not affected much by the incidents in Bangkok. Hope everything clears before my trip back at the end of the month.

Counting down...

Tomorrow is a big day. The reason is that my wife and her sis will be at Maesai Amphur to get their birth certificates. The necessary documents are prepared and the 3 old ladies (as witness) will be going down to make their statements. That's the trouble we need to go through as proof that my wife was born in Thailand. (A lot of people around the border never really had a birth certificate, especially those who are poor.)

Anyway, after this step. Wife and her sis could then go back down to Mae Fa Luang's Amphur to convert her to thai citizenship. So I really have to cross my finger that tomorrow's interview to be successful.

Think another sleepless night for me again...

Counting down...

Tomorrow is a big day. The reason is that my wife and her sis will be at Maesai Amphur to get their birth certificates. The necessary documents are prepared and the 3 old ladies (as witness) will be going down to make their statements. That's the trouble we need to go through as proof that my wife was born in Thailand. (A lot of people around the border never really had a birth certificate, especially those who are poor.)

Anyway, after this step. Wife and her sis could then go back down to Mae Fa Luang's Amphur to convert her to thai citizenship. So I really have to cross my finger that tomorrow's interview to be successful.

Think another sleepless night for me again...

Politics in Thailand.

Alas... just when things sound promising for my wife. Thai politics is into another low point again. The recent ugly protests and standoffs seems so deja vu again...

The problem with PM Samak is that he is not as decisive as he looks. He should have asked the court to apply for warrants of arrest for the leaders of PAD long before it blew out of hand. Now its a bit too late. The only two person who could intervene are either the King or the Chief of Army.

Still, my fingers are crossed and hopefully, everything will be resolved as fast as possible.

Politics in Thailand has always been ugly. Filled with scandals and corruption. But yet the country is still progressing (much much slower pace though). So kind of makes one wonder.... If such an incident happens in Singapore, such a major protest that will upset the gahment... what would really happen? Would our army intervene? Still trying hard to picture it. heheh

Politics in Thailand.

Alas... just when things sound promising for my wife. Thai politics is into another low point again. The recent ugly protests and standoffs seems so deja vu again...

The problem with PM Samak is that he is not as decisive as he looks. He should have asked the court to apply for warrants of arrest for the leaders of PAD long before it blew out of hand. Now its a bit too late. The only two person who could intervene are either the King or the Chief of Army.

Still, my fingers are crossed and hopefully, everything will be resolved as fast as possible.

Politics in Thailand has always been ugly. Filled with scandals and corruption. But yet the country is still progressing (much much slower pace though). So kind of makes one wonder.... If such an incident happens in Singapore, such a major protest that will upset the gahment... what would really happen? Would our army intervene? Still trying hard to picture it. heheh

Some good news

Basically its regarding my wife's Thai id card. Recently with some help, she managed to get the first step of owning "Sian Chat" (citizenship) and was asked to go for an interview at her district office.

Since we already "paved" our way in. The interview was a success and now have to wait for a few more months before the next step.

All in all, its good as there is some progress rather than none at all. The political situation in Thailand has not improved and I'm a bit worried that another coup will occur and everything is back to square one again (like last time).

So finger crossed and hopefully, everything can be settled by end of the year. So wify and girl girl can come to SG during CNY 2009 to celebrate together with Grandma and auntie... :P

Some good news

Basically its regarding my wife's Thai id card. Recently with some help, she managed to get the first step of owning "Sian Chat" (citizenship) and was asked to go for an interview at her district office.

Since we already "paved" our way in. The interview was a success and now have to wait for a few more months before the next step.

All in all, its good as there is some progress rather than none at all. The political situation in Thailand has not improved and I'm a bit worried that another coup will occur and everything is back to square one again (like last time).

So finger crossed and hopefully, everything can be settled by end of the year. So wify and girl girl can come to SG during CNY 2009 to celebrate together with Grandma and auntie... :P

Getting to Chiang Mai

kc said...

Hi Fatboi,

when you are free pls give me some advice on my forthcoming journey to chiangmai..

what airline is best in terms of fares, shud i fly to chiangmai direct or bkk and take a train up north? i heard the journey by train is 12 hours, is it easy to find the station at mochit bkk? anything to pay attention to? is chiangmai an expensive place compared to bkk?

thanks for the heads up buddy.
4:29 AM

Got this comment for help in regarding Chiang Mai(CM). So I post it here so all could reference. But this guide is mainly for Singaporeans.

Sad to say, the only budget airlines that fly to CM is Tiger airways but they have canceled it recently. So the only airlines I currently knew (maybe got others) that flew direct from Singapore to CM are Thai Airways, SIA and Silkair. If you are going alone and want a cheap fare, just go Thai airways and book online. Price is about $700plus with all taxes included. Pretty expensive as it used to be only 500 plus. The recent hike in fuel surcharge are crazy.

The cheaper way as mentioned by kc is to fly to BKK and do a domestic transfer. The money you would save will depend on the flight you get. Can be much cheaper at around 500 plus if you buy the tix earlier for budget flights. My recommendation is to get Airasia. Then do the domestic transfer at the same new International airport (Surwahnabumi). Less money spend on the taxis to get to the old airport Don Meaung. But if you plan to stay in BKK for a night or 2. This method is plausible also and you can get even cheaper flights at Don Meaung.

I never tried the train before as its neither here or there. And its actually slower than the bus from what I heard from those who took it. So what I suggest is the bus. Its 11plus journey and you can get tickets easily. (Every hour got one departure). The bus station for the northern provinces are Mochit Mai. There's another station for all the Southern parts but I never been there so sorry, can't help on that. As mentioned by KC. (He researched well!) Just tell the taxi driver to Mochit Sathanni Rot Meh. If the driver asked Khang Lang(downstair) or Khang Bon(upstair). Tell him to go downstair or just tell him you are going CM. Mochit bus station is an interesting place itself. Its a huge huge bus station ... hehehe... Anyway, just go around the hundreds of counters and pick the most expensive one (now not sure, last time about 2 years ago, 900baht is the most expensive). They have English signboards on their destination so should not be a problem for us. Avoid those in Thai scripts as those are normally non-aircon ones. The reason to get the most expensive is because they are 24 seaters and they have less stops in between. The seat are also very comfortable. If not, get those in the range of 700 to 800 baht at least. Avoid those 600 or less. Thai people are small and if you as big as me, you would be in a hell hole. Hope this help for those who want to explore other part of Thailand.

PS. Never take the bus during the Song Krang Festival or Loi Krathong (coming Nov) I've tried once during Loi Krathong. BIG mistake. You can get buses but the crowd and queue is damn packed. You don't even have a spot to stand on the bus pavements. Now I wonder how I ever survived that.......

Getting to Chiang Mai

kc said...

Hi Fatboi,

when you are free pls give me some advice on my forthcoming journey to chiangmai..

what airline is best in terms of fares, shud i fly to chiangmai direct or bkk and take a train up north? i heard the journey by train is 12 hours, is it easy to find the station at mochit bkk? anything to pay attention to? is chiangmai an expensive place compared to bkk?

thanks for the heads up buddy.
4:29 AM

Got this comment for help in regarding Chiang Mai(CM). So I post it here so all could reference. But this guide is mainly for Singaporeans.

Sad to say, the only budget airlines that fly to CM is Tiger airways but they have canceled it recently. So the only airlines I currently knew (maybe got others) that flew direct from Singapore to CM are Thai Airways, SIA and Silkair. If you are going alone and want a cheap fare, just go Thai airways and book online. Price is about $700plus with all taxes included. Pretty expensive as it used to be only 500 plus. The recent hike in fuel surcharge are crazy.

The cheaper way as mentioned by kc is to fly to BKK and do a domestic transfer. The money you would save will depend on the flight you get. Can be much cheaper at around 500 plus if you buy the tix earlier for budget flights. My recommendation is to get Airasia. Then do the domestic transfer at the same new International airport (Surwahnabumi). Less money spend on the taxis to get to the old airport Don Meaung. But if you plan to stay in BKK for a night or 2. This method is plausible also and you can get even cheaper flights at Don Meaung.

I never tried the train before as its neither here or there. And its actually slower than the bus from what I heard from those who took it. So what I suggest is the bus. Its 11plus journey and you can get tickets easily. (Every hour got one departure). The bus station for the northern provinces are Mochit Mai. There's another station for all the Southern parts but I never been there so sorry, can't help on that. As mentioned by KC. (He researched well!) Just tell the taxi driver to Mochit Sathanni Rot Meh. If the driver asked Khang Lang(downstair) or Khang Bon(upstair). Tell him to go downstair or just tell him you are going CM. Mochit bus station is an interesting place itself. Its a huge huge bus station ... hehehe... Anyway, just go around the hundreds of counters and pick the most expensive one (now not sure, last time about 2 years ago, 900baht is the most expensive). They have English signboards on their destination so should not be a problem for us. Avoid those in Thai scripts as those are normally non-aircon ones. The reason to get the most expensive is because they are 24 seaters and they have less stops in between. The seat are also very comfortable. If not, get those in the range of 700 to 800 baht at least. Avoid those 600 or less. Thai people are small and if you as big as me, you would be in a hell hole. Hope this help for those who want to explore other part of Thailand.

PS. Never take the bus during the Song Krang Festival or Loi Krathong (coming Nov) I've tried once during Loi Krathong. BIG mistake. You can get buses but the crowd and queue is damn packed. You don't even have a spot to stand on the bus pavements. Now I wonder how I ever survived that.......

The problem with gadgets...

First of all, I want to inform the reader that I myself is hooked to all sorts of new gadgets that are available in the market. Be it electronically sophisticated or as mundane as a piece of magnet.

The most phenomenal lead in improvement is our little mobile phone. Wow. No longer we could just make calls. Now we can take photos, listen to music, watch videos and surf the web on it. All on a little piece of plastic and silicon. I'm not sure who came first came up with the idea of combining an mp3 player to a mobile phone (Sony?) and its a great idea. (I have one too) But the idea is not that great when you allow some joker to play their favourite tune (blarring distorted notes) at a public space such as a bus or coffee shop. I have encountered several times these "people who thinks that they have the right" to play their music loudly anywhere they like. Come on, why don't you just use a headphone instead like we used to do? No matter how good is the song, it won't be nice if it's coming out from a small speaker of a mobile phone right?

Speaking of phone. Apple's iPhone or those PSP and Nintendo DS are great too. So are those PVP (I have one too!) I watched movies on them while I'm on the plane to Thailand or back. Or in a bus. And all the times, with my headphones on and seated in a comfortable position. And I do make sure that I only turn my gadgets on when the plane took off and the seatbelt sign is off. But do I watch my PVP with my headphones while walking? Nope. But nowadays, I see kids and teenagers trying to commit suicide by playing their PSP or watching a movie on the little mobile phones or PVP with their headphones while walking on the pedestrian crossings or along the road. So I guess the kids here either has another set of eyes or some sonar detection devices that helps them to navigate while they pound the keys on their screen....

Sad to say. Gadgets are cool. The problem is how we kind of abuses it and cause inconvenience to others or harms to ourselves. Guess something "bad" will happen and our gahment will be our Nanny again regarding this issue.

PS. Anyone can tell me where to get the Sonar Navigational system that these PSPians are using. Would like to get one to play with it.

The problem with gadgets...

First of all, I want to inform the reader that I myself is hooked to all sorts of new gadgets that are available in the market. Be it electronically sophisticated or as mundane as a piece of magnet.

The most phenomenal lead in improvement is our little mobile phone. Wow. No longer we could just make calls. Now we can take photos, listen to music, watch videos and surf the web on it. All on a little piece of plastic and silicon. I'm not sure who came first came up with the idea of combining an mp3 player to a mobile phone (Sony?) and its a great idea. (I have one too) But the idea is not that great when you allow some joker to play their favourite tune (blarring distorted notes) at a public space such as a bus or coffee shop. I have encountered several times these "people who thinks that they have the right" to play their music loudly anywhere they like. Come on, why don't you just use a headphone instead like we used to do? No matter how good is the song, it won't be nice if it's coming out from a small speaker of a mobile phone right?

Speaking of phone. Apple's iPhone or those PSP and Nintendo DS are great too. So are those PVP (I have one too!) I watched movies on them while I'm on the plane to Thailand or back. Or in a bus. And all the times, with my headphones on and seated in a comfortable position. And I do make sure that I only turn my gadgets on when the plane took off and the seatbelt sign is off. But do I watch my PVP with my headphones while walking? Nope. But nowadays, I see kids and teenagers trying to commit suicide by playing their PSP or watching a movie on the little mobile phones or PVP with their headphones while walking on the pedestrian crossings or along the road. So I guess the kids here either has another set of eyes or some sonar detection devices that helps them to navigate while they pound the keys on their screen....

Sad to say. Gadgets are cool. The problem is how we kind of abuses it and cause inconvenience to others or harms to ourselves. Guess something "bad" will happen and our gahment will be our Nanny again regarding this issue.

PS. Anyone can tell me where to get the Sonar Navigational system that these PSPians are using. Would like to get one to play with it.

A Story about Strollers

Recently on the local SG papers were tons of letter about Singaporean parents and their strollers.

I have bought one in Thailand and sad to say is that its totally under utilised. That's because my girl doesn't like to sit in it and interestingly noted is that here in Thailand, most of them don't use strollers. They carry their babies or even just let them walk on their own. My girl now is 2 plus and she don't even want us to carry her at all when we go out. So sometimes my wife and I really have some headache when we go shopping. Because girl girl would always struggle free from our hands and ran off on her on. Jia lat man.

So back to the story of strollers. I chatted with my cousin a week before the newspaper outburst and he too mentioned to me about the recent "increase" in seeing parents or grandparents pushing a stroller with a 6 or 7 year old kid in it. I told him as I didn't noticed that but I started to monitor this situation myself. Today I went down to Parkway Parade with a friend for breakfast and I did noticed this strange phenomenon. My cousin was actually right!!!

I saw not 1 but at least 3 sets of parents with their HUGE strollers. Their kid is definitely above 3 or 4 years old and they are happily seating in their strollers while their parents push their "SUV" in the crowded shopping mall. Really interesting scene.

I'm not sure what's really happening to typical Singaporean parents nowadays? Are they pampering their kids? Or is it the kids will behave better if they are just sitting in their strollers? Is it for the protection of their kids? Since its crowded and they are afraid that their kids will get knocked down by some clumsy adults?

I think for safety reasons, maybe a kid less than 5 years old on a stroller is fine with me. But those strollers are HUGE man, not those that I sat last time while I was a baby. (I used to walk all the time and my father or mother will carry me if I'm too tired. And I clearly remember that I never go to the shopping mall before my 8th birthday. And the stroller is only for the beach or parks.)

So to conclude this post. Anyone interested in buying my under-utilised stroller please drop me a mail... Item is in Thailand though..... And yeah, its those HUGE types oso (wify picked one).

A Story about Strollers

Recently on the local SG papers were tons of letter about Singaporean parents and their strollers.

I have bought one in Thailand and sad to say is that its totally under utilised. That's because my girl doesn't like to sit in it and interestingly noted is that here in Thailand, most of them don't use strollers. They carry their babies or even just let them walk on their own. My girl now is 2 plus and she don't even want us to carry her at all when we go out. So sometimes my wife and I really have some headache when we go shopping. Because girl girl would always struggle free from our hands and ran off on her on. Jia lat man.

So back to the story of strollers. I chatted with my cousin a week before the newspaper outburst and he too mentioned to me about the recent "increase" in seeing parents or grandparents pushing a stroller with a 6 or 7 year old kid in it. I told him as I didn't noticed that but I started to monitor this situation myself. Today I went down to Parkway Parade with a friend for breakfast and I did noticed this strange phenomenon. My cousin was actually right!!!

I saw not 1 but at least 3 sets of parents with their HUGE strollers. Their kid is definitely above 3 or 4 years old and they are happily seating in their strollers while their parents push their "SUV" in the crowded shopping mall. Really interesting scene.

I'm not sure what's really happening to typical Singaporean parents nowadays? Are they pampering their kids? Or is it the kids will behave better if they are just sitting in their strollers? Is it for the protection of their kids? Since its crowded and they are afraid that their kids will get knocked down by some clumsy adults?

I think for safety reasons, maybe a kid less than 5 years old on a stroller is fine with me. But those strollers are HUGE man, not those that I sat last time while I was a baby. (I used to walk all the time and my father or mother will carry me if I'm too tired. And I clearly remember that I never go to the shopping mall before my 8th birthday. And the stroller is only for the beach or parks.)

So to conclude this post. Anyone interested in buying my under-utilised stroller please drop me a mail... Item is in Thailand though..... And yeah, its those HUGE types oso (wify picked one).

Company Trip

I was a bit bust for the pass 7 days. On 2nd Aug (my birthday actually). I went with my other colleagues on a company paid trip to Bintan Kelong Resort for 2 days 1 night. Came back and its straight to work on Monday till now. Still need to continue to work till next Wednesday before I go for a break (bloody nine day of 12 hours shift.)

Anyway, here's some photos I took on that trip. Click here to view the whole series on my facebook account.

Company Trip

I was a bit bust for the pass 7 days. On 2nd Aug (my birthday actually). I went with my other colleagues on a company paid trip to Bintan Kelong Resort for 2 days 1 night. Came back and its straight to work on Monday till now. Still need to continue to work till next Wednesday before I go for a break (bloody nine day of 12 hours shift.)

Anyway, here's some photos I took on that trip. Click here to view the whole series on my facebook account.

Faces everywhere!!!

I stumbled on this photo blog site called Faces in Placesand its really cool! Basically its a site dedicated to show some face form (eyes, a nose, mouth or ears) we see in our daily lives. Do check it out. I really like some of them which are seen naturally in nature. (those bloody leaves man!!)

Kudos to the blogger who has such keen eyes. Here's a sample of the blog..

Faces everywhere!!!

I stumbled on this photo blog site called Faces in Placesand its really cool! Basically its a site dedicated to show some face form (eyes, a nose, mouth or ears) we see in our daily lives. Do check it out. I really like some of them which are seen naturally in nature. (those bloody leaves man!!)

Kudos to the blogger who has such keen eyes. Here's a sample of the blog..

Sorting my girl's photos.

I had a few days break and was busy sorting through my daughter's photos that I've taken since she was born and was still half way through. I think I took about thousands of them and most of them are out of focus shots anyway. (My girl can never be still).

Now she is 2 years plus and kind of understand when to "pose" for photographs but she always rushes to me when I just took a picture. Digital mah, want to see the instant review. So its still quite tough trying to take a series of her expression.

Anyway, here's some latest I took just recently. Click here to view more on my facebook.

Sorting my girl's photos.

I had a few days break and was busy sorting through my daughter's photos that I've taken since she was born and was still half way through. I think I took about thousands of them and most of them are out of focus shots anyway. (My girl can never be still).

Now she is 2 years plus and kind of understand when to "pose" for photographs but she always rushes to me when I just took a picture. Digital mah, want to see the instant review. So its still quite tough trying to take a series of her expression.

Anyway, here's some latest I took just recently. Click here to view more on my facebook.

Computer Phobia.

Its been hectic since I came back from Thailand and I have also restarted my exercise regime. Most of the off time I had was to spend time with friends and watch movies. I don't even touch my computer at homes nowadays. I have been staring at 2 screens daily 12 hours straight for the pass week and I guess the phobia is kicking in.

So today, surprisingly I need to check up on some info. Thus came by to log an entry. Our department is also having a company trip to Bintan on 2nd and 3rd of Aug. Our Aug shift schedule is also out and I was a bit surprised that I am working more day shift then night....

Day shift is hectic as there are more calls but I think its also better as I could plan my exercise regime better for the coming month. Still, most probably there will be changes in my schedule as some colleagues will be clearing leave. So I guess no need to plan so much. everything will go chaotic again....

Computer Phobia.

Its been hectic since I came back from Thailand and I have also restarted my exercise regime. Most of the off time I had was to spend time with friends and watch movies. I don't even touch my computer at homes nowadays. I have been staring at 2 screens daily 12 hours straight for the pass week and I guess the phobia is kicking in.

So today, surprisingly I need to check up on some info. Thus came by to log an entry. Our department is also having a company trip to Bintan on 2nd and 3rd of Aug. Our Aug shift schedule is also out and I was a bit surprised that I am working more day shift then night....

Day shift is hectic as there are more calls but I think its also better as I could plan my exercise regime better for the coming month. Still, most probably there will be changes in my schedule as some colleagues will be clearing leave. So I guess no need to plan so much. everything will go chaotic again....

Maesai IR

Some IR photos I have taken in Maesai. Too bad the weather is not sunny.. Will try in my next trip.

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