Every year in Maesai, there's a big carnival at the Chinese Temple near the main road and it attracts a lot of people (espeically from Burma Thachilek or Keng Tung) to come and play. There are rides, games, live bands, Bingo and food and drinks. The carnival lasts for 2 weeks and we already went there twice. It opens at night and we need to pay 20 bath per pax for the entrance fees.

Girl is older so we allowed her to take on some rides. She did enjoyed herself on the Merry-go-Round and mini-Train ride. But was not too happy on the Ferris Wheel with Mummy. Not sure why but I don't think she's afraid of heights, maybe its a bit boring going round and round... Wife is actually enjoying more from the dart games and Bingo (got prizes leh). There's also a rock concert at the back which you need to pay to get in but we never bothered. But seriously, this year's carnival was better compared to last year. More new rides and games are spotted.

And there is this funny show (more like a display) that we paid 10 baht each pax to see. A kid with his head on the table while we can't see the rest of his body. hehehe. Wife did asked the boy whether he's comfortable and he nodded. Not a bad idea to earn some money from a simple illusion. And they did it quite well too. I was sneaky and took a picture while no one was looking... heheheh
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