This Wat or temple is a newly built temple in between Golden Triangle and Maesai. Its about 12km from where I stay and because wify said a famous monk will be there and lots of people would be there. Since I am trying to mend things with her, I agreed to bring her to the event today.

We already prepared most of the stuff the night before. Water, girl girl's milk and stuff and I filled up the petrol for our bike. It was quite a long trip. 20 mins on the bike as the max I dare to go was 60km/h. There were tons of Pick-ups or Swang Tiao ferrying people to the temple. We reached there and already there was traffic control. Wat lau, Ren Shan Ren Hai (flooded with people from Thailand, Burma, Lao and even Cambodia). We could only park the bike on the outskirt of the temple and proceeded to walk to the temple ground. The main building is still under construction and we have to climb to the top to pray pray and go to the huge tents next to the temple (see picture on the right). Got free food and its bloody delicious man. Maybe I was hungry but there were tons of volunteers cooking and giving water and stuff. We walked around and wify managed to meet tons of friends and relatives from her hometown. Baby was in sarong and curious about the whole procession.
We were about to leave when I noticed a big parade moving towards us at the main road. I told my wife to go to the road and wait as I think some VIP is coming. True, the famous monk that my wife came to pray pray was on a sedan carried by people to the main tent. hehehe.. so Wife very happy get to see her idol .. :P
Anyway, the way back was also heretic. The whole road was jammed with people leaving and more people coming. Took some time to get back onto the highway. Quite an interesting event but alas, forgotten to take my camera gear with me.... have to settle with my lousy phone camera...
1 comment:
Wa really like very "大重".. :} dont know will it like here. our 08 count down in Durian also Ganpua "大重". Will write more in my blog.. but u know.. If ger happi = we all happi.. hai~~
Mr Ba Long Long
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