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Some great news.

For those who have been following my blog, my main problem (wife's citizenship) is going to be solved soon.  My wife and I had been travelling up to the Amphur so many times that we befriended some of the officers up in th amphur.  And since my wife dare not to drive the car up the mountains.  We left our contacts to one of the officers in the amphur.  So if there are any information regarding our application, he could give us a call.

Yesterday wify received one of the best phone calls ever.  The officer called and informed my wife that on his hand are the documents that are signed and stamped.  Approving my wife's full citizenship.  Now its only waiting to be called up to the office to take a photo id and she is a full thai citizen.  No more movement restrictions in the country and harressments from other gahment related bodies.

Girl girl is also given Sian Chart.  So its a double win! We were a bit worried as we only applied for Mommy but Thai laws automatically grant her full citizenship too.  So this is true (for those who are speculating in the forum,)  I am a living example that your childrens will be granted full citizenship before the age of 13)

All in all, wife is pretty excited and hopefully she will be called up within this week to take the photo id.  Political tension is high now in Bangkok so I hope she could get it done before everything goes haywire again.....

Will be going back this coming Friday for a short trip.  Girl girl will be performing a dance rountine in a school (end of term) event.  She complained to wify that why I was not around last year so this year I am making sure I will be there for her :).

All fingers crossed. 



HH Lee said...

Fingers and toes crossed!

wayn3 said...

congratulation :)