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Spring Cleaning and Exercising

Today spent the day with mum spring cleaning. Mr room's walls seriously needed a re coat of paint (got mold liao *bleah*...). So proceeded to shift my stuff out for the painting process. Sheesh... never knew I got so many stuff in my room. Anyway, now my room is spick and span and smells like .. err ICI Duluxe?? hehe The process of painting and moving funiture and stuff is a good form of exercise too.

Speaking of exercising. I have stopped jogging since last time I left for Thailand. As CNY coming and my mum is making lots of goodies. I decided to start my jogging routine again. Wah Piang.. quite shiong for the first time. But now onto the third day liao. My body seems to recover faster than last time I start. That time really fatboi, 124kg.. Drop to 84kg and now shot back up to 92.. jia lat.. better work harder and control my diet for the sake of my family and myself. Being overweight in your 30s can have serious complications man .. :P


Anonymous said...

Jia you, bro, nice to have u back for a short catch up....and Guo4 Xing1 Nian2...:)

Anonymous said...

i did not know you was at 124kg before and after that drop to 84kg. How do you do that ?

axeral said...

Err.. think I stopped drinking soft drinks and immediately dropped 2 to 3 kg in few months time. I also watch what I eat and of course exercise lor... now I eat whatever I want but got go exercise.. so can maintain a bit lar...